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Hello from Vegas.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:43 pm
by Fe3c
Picked up a Tig/stick machine a couple weeks ago. Never welded before, but already addicted. I built that table so I could practice. I'm a union carpenter, commercial framing and drywall, so being able to stick weld will keep me employed when everyone else gets laid off. That's the whole reason I got the welder to start with. Have to say, I like tig a whole lot more than stick so far. I don't have anyone teaching me, so youtube has been extremely helpful. Jodi's videos are the best followed by Chucke2009 and Mr Tig's. I have so much more to learn, that is for sure.
This hobby is a lot more expensive than I thought it would be, but it's better than drugs.


Re: Hello from Vegas.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:32 am
by Mike
Welcome to the forum.

Re: Hello from Vegas.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:13 pm
by Woodbutcher
Hey brother, the international training center is in your back door yard. I cant say enough about our training center here. A great place to learn and burn and it doesnt cost you a dime.

Re: Hello from Vegas.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:13 am
by Fe3c
Our training center just moved to it's new location. The weld shop isn't quite ready yet. Once it is, I'll be in there every chance I get.
We don't get to go to the fancy international building except for leadership training that you have to be invited to.

Re: Hello from Vegas.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:03 am
by Woodbutcher
That seems ludicrous doesnt it? After all we pay to keep that place operating. Hopefully the training center that you can actually go to will be up and running soon. Good luck.

Re: Hello from Vegas.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:40 pm
by Braehill
Welcome to the forum. Glad to see people trying to add value to themselves.

One thing I'll tell you is to try and avoid Tig welding outside. Even the slightest breeze can introduce atmosphere into your gas envelope and ruin the weld. Even a slight air movement inside a shop will reek havoc on some metals. Most metals can be Tig welded indoors without much worry about fumes if cleaned properly. If you're going to spend your time practicing, why not spend it practicing proper techniques.

You'll also find it easier if you lose the heavy glove on your filler rod hand and get a thin glove with some dexterity like a kidskin or even a thin cloth glove. It makes feeding the rod a lot easier. Some folks even feed the rod barehanded.

Keep a note pad handy while you're practicing and write down what works well and more importantly what doesn't. Take your practice seriously and you'll level out the learning curve a little. This is a great resource for people learning to weld because you can ask any question that comes to mind and not get beat over the head for not knowing. If you find something that keeps happening to your welds and you can't figure it out, ask here, we've probably done it or have helped someone who has.


Re: Hello from Vegas.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 12:18 am
by Fe3c
As soon as I get one of my cars finished, I'll move my table inside. Right now, it barely fits in there with the door closed.
I have had some welds messed up by small wind gusts already.

I have a pair of maxiflex gloves, and they work sooooo much better for filler rod, like you said.

I think my biggest issues are finding places to prop that allow me to move properly, and trying to hold on to the big 26 torch without dipping the tungsten.

Glad I can ask questions without being flamed. I'll write them down as they come up.

Re: Hello from Vegas.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:06 am
by Coldman
The standard flex head 26 torch is good to use. The big bulky plastic torch with inbuilt switch usually supplied with new machines is a pain. Mine very quickly became a boomerang that didn't come back and replaced with a standard flex head torch.
Also I see you are cradling the torch between your thumb and index finger and your first brace point is half way up your forearm which would make your electrode wobbly and "dippy". Try an over hand grip and use your middle finger (or pinky) to prop near to your weld pool. Its going to get mighty hot - this is where you will need a tig finger from the weldmonger store. Bracing right near to your weld gives great control over your torch and arc, less dipping, good manipulation.
See how that works for you.