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- by Rektrenegade
- Sat Nov 04, 2017 10:16 am
- Forum: Welding Forum General Shop Talk
- Topic: So, if you had $2000 for a welder.....
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1351
Re: So, if you had $2000 for a welder.....
Thanks for the tip on the fittings. That's what we use at my school, and they do work out great. Well, I jumped in and bought the Multimatic 215 and laid my first couple of welds last night. I haven't welded enough with it to make a great review, but I'm REALLY impressed with the arc characteristics...
- by Rektrenegade
- Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:41 am
- Forum: Welding Forum General Shop Talk
- Topic: So, if you had $2000 for a welder.....
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1351
Re: So, if you had $2000 for a welder.....
Yes, that's kind of how my guts feeling as well. I'm leaning towards the 215 over the 210MP because of it's dual gas solenoids. It'll be a more convenient transition from GMAW to GTAW if needed. But, like you stated, dual voltage, compact package, easy on electricity - those are all hard to beat qua...
- by Rektrenegade
- Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:10 pm
- Forum: Welding Forum General Shop Talk
- Topic: So, if you had $2000 for a welder.....
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1351
Re: So, if you had $2000 for a welder.....
Thanks for the welcome! I kind of do all sorts of jobs. It can range from Auto body to garden art to trailers. I'm considering hanging my shingle out a little bit more though to expand the side hustle. There's a possibility that I may have the opportunity to build some chassis's for a local tiny hou...
- by Rektrenegade
- Fri Oct 27, 2017 7:25 pm
- Forum: Welding Forum General Shop Talk
- Topic: So, if you had $2000 for a welder.....
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1351
So, if you had $2000 for a welder.....
Hello all! This is my first post in this forum. I've been listening to the podcast, and following Jody's work for years, but I've never posted up. But, I'm in a very fortunate place, and I need your advice. I teach welding to high school students in Boise, Idaho. We've got 4 Miller 350P's and I've R...
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