Would be good to have a section for "cutting processes" etc etc...
O/A torch setups, plasma's, chop saws, band saws, grinders, shears, etc etc...
Might be more direct then the "Shop Talk"
Just a suggestion ....
Last edited by AKweldshop on Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Just a couple welders and a couple of big hammers and torches.
Men in dirty jeans built this country, while men in clean suits have destroyed it.
Trump/Carson 2016-2024
Cutting questions do come up now and again, some of them quite involved.
I'll bring it up with the admins, and see what they think. Hell, maybe "machining" could fit in this category, as well, since it's sometimes a pre- or post-weld process, and it would have a place it belongs on it's own.
John, I shared your suggestion as soon as I was done replying to you, and the admins agreed it was a sound idea. The new forum came on earlier this afternoon.
Good ideas are a big part of what makes this forum so comfortable.
I just finished moving topics from General Shop Talk to the new Metal Cutting location, (went through 26 pages of posts. whew). If you run across any "cutting" topics somewhere PM me and I'll move it over. (I'm still working on the rest of the forum but it's getting much harder to find them.)
Fat Bob
Go break something, then you can weld it back the right way.