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Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:16 am
by omnidude
Would like any feedback / thoughts / suggestions on a multi use square I recently started making. (I made a demo video of it you can see at I thought of it when I was using my T bevel square and wondered why it couldn't also be fashioned to work as a 90 and 45 degree square, and as a combination square too. I made a lot of prototypes until I settled on this design.
Any feedback would be helpful, Thanks.

Re: Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:48 am
by Harry72
Could you give us a link so we dont have to go searching for it ;)

Re: Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:50 am
by Harry72
You can link it directly to Youtube if you dont want your site link on here ... e9aMLZX9i0

Re: Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:37 pm
by omnidude
Harry72 wrote:Could you give us a link so we don't have to go searching for it ;)
My website is and the video is there. ( I don't know if this will show up as a link or you will need to highlite it and right click it)

Re: Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:46 pm
by xwrench
Looks like a sweet little tool. Any plans to make a bigger one? I've had times when I needed to mark 2.5 foot circles but a piece of string tied to a magnet got the job done.

Re: Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:13 pm
by omnidude
xwrench wrote:Looks like a sweet little tool. Any plans to make a bigger one? I've had times when I needed to mark 2.5 foot circles but a piece of string tied to a magnet got the job done.
No plans for a larger one at the moment. I was thinking of this as a toolbag sized square that you could always have on you, kind of like a swiss army knife

Re: Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:49 pm
by Otto Nobedder

Three issues.

First, "Feedback and Support" is intended as a "suggestion box" for the forum, not for feedback your product.

Second, Your only interaction with our forum has been in this section, seeking feedback. You didn't bother hitting the "introduction" section to say hello to us, which tells me a bit about you.

Third, You succeeded in getting "asked" for your website, to skirt the commercial rule.

This adds up to annoy me. I don't like people "gaming the system".

Please contribute something of value, or be gone (or I'll be-gone you).

We don't have time for backdoor advertising.

Steve S

Re: Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:08 am
by omnidude
Otto Nobedder wrote:omnidude,

Three issues.

First, "Feedback and Support" is intended as a "suggestion box" for the forum, not for feedback your product.

Second, Your only interaction with our forum has been in this section, seeking feedback. You didn't bother hitting the "introduction" section to say hello to us, which tells me a bit about you.

Third, You succeeded in getting "asked" for your website, to skirt the commercial rule.

This adds up to annoy me. I don't like people "gaming the system".

Please contribute something of value, or be gone (or I'll be-gone you).

We don't have time for backdoor advertising.

Steve S

I can see some of your points, especially the one on not writing an introduction, so I went ahead and did that.
I did want some suggestions on what I could do to improve the product, of which I've gotten a couple, such as making a larger one. I may be wrong, but as a guy who thought up the product, spent evenings and weekends in his shop making jigs, and makes them himself on the side versus an established tool company or someone who buys and resells something (made who knows where), it would be OK to communicate about it, and if someone felt it would be handy in their work, they could get one, if not, they won't.
Anyway, wasn't meaning to rub anyone the wrong way, and I do look forward to learning things from site, which unfortunately is probably more than I can add, though I'll do what I can.

Larry B.

Re: Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 8:33 pm
by Otto Nobedder

Fair enough!

You'd be stunned at the people who've tried to use this forum to sell something, without contributing anything of value, so I will always challenge someone who may be here to market their product. Those people usually go away on their own.

That said, we do permit people to include their websites in their signature, even if it's a commercial website.


Steve S

Re: Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:19 pm
by omnidude
Thanks Steve,

Larry B

Re: Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:47 am
by MadisonRods
Not sure I should add any gas to the fire, but I saw this post before all of the fireworks and bought the square. Actually impressed with the quality. Time will tell, but for now all good.

Re: Unique little layout square I started making

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:29 pm
by Coldman
I too bought one because I was impressed with the functionality.
Larry was great to deal with. He sent it out to oz fast with a great deal. I like the tool alot, it does everything he says and its light and stays in my tool bag all the time. I hope he does really well. I have only good things to say about him.