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    Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:05 pm

These videos are mostly applicable to the Dillon/Henrob/Cobra style gas torch.
I've included this link because this torch makes gas welding, one of my favorites.
Last edited by WerkSpace on Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mr Gormsby
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The Henrob is a fantastic bit of gear. But I find for home use the cost of gas bottle rental prohibits me using mine for home use. But thanks for the link I'd not found it before. Kinda gees me up to look into pricing gas again.
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    Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:05 pm

For home use, consider buying the 40 cubic ft. sized tanks instead of renting. (They are light weight and portable.)
Mr Gormsby wrote:The Henrob is a fantastic bit of gear. But I find for home use the cost of gas bottle rental prohibits me using mine for home use. But thanks for the link I'd not found it before. Kinda gees me up to look into pricing gas again.
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I have had a Henrob torch for about 15 yrs. I find the help in my shop do not make good use of the torch as they have not taken the time to relearn torch setup skills. It has its place and was much more in demand before plasma cutting and spool guns for aluminum. Great range of capabilities from welding aluminum as thin as a soda can to cutting 1/2 " t1 steel.

Certainly was a stepping stone from where we were to where we are. As for not being sure about home use, the rental demergence on a small tank is somewhat less $ and the run time is more than equal to a large tank @ < 2Ibs pressure vs 7 + . Never sure about the advantages of the pistol grip style torch. It is much like the debate of straight or 90 degree die grinders. bap
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    Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:05 pm

I really like my Henrob torch, but when I want to weld smaller items, I use the Meco Midget.
Meco Midget torch.jpg
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