General welding questions that dont fit in TIG, MIG, Stick, or Certification etc.
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I get a lot of walk in jobs of all kinds from crappy cast aluminum lawn furniture, to snapped hubs off race cars. So i get things that i don't even know what Chinese blend of crap they are made of some times. Also what common machining materials contain Cadmium naturally?

what common/random things that you guys know of that contain cadmium, and what have you done if you had to work with it.

I have a shop with large 9'x12' doors, a large fan and a fume extractor. I also use a 3m half mask with a 2097 pancake filters.

is what i have enough? I know cadmium fumes can be deadly but is it even worth messing with for a $20-$60 walk in job? cause i'd like to be confident when I say I wont weld it cause its too dangerous.
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Things that are zinc coated have trace amounts of it and also pigments from Asia in yellow, red ,and orange may have higher than normal amounts. I think that if your welding cast magnesium you would have the most to worry about, gearboxes and such, for it's used in those items to make the casting stronger.
They use it in costume jewery and silver solders also. There is cadmium in almost all food that's grown, in trace amounts.That's a few things that I can think of. I think in the grand scheme of things that I would worry not, but you are doing yourself a favor by using the mask and proper ventilation.
Now go melt something.
Instagram @lenny_gforce

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