General welding questions that dont fit in TIG, MIG, Stick, or Certification etc.
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    Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:05 pm

When the world's wealthiest man invests in a new engine design,
you gotta wonder if this will bring more jobs back to America?

Keep your eyes on this company,
There's over 3 Billion dollars invested in this project so far.
There are a lot of big players investing in the design. I'm impressed.
OPOC engine.jpg
OPOC engine.jpg (18.03 KiB) Viewed 367 times
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    Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:13 pm

Interesting design - not quite the same - but reminiscent of the old Comma TS3 engine ( if your old enough to remember it ! ) was a similar concept - but it died out a long time ago - no one else as far as I know has revisited the idea since - seems kinda strange to put that much money into internal combustion at a time that surely future designers must be thinking about alternative fuels & engines - ( Mr fusion anyone ? !!) I guess it does'nt pay to think outside the box too much all the time the governments of the world rely on oil profits ! - I'd like to believe that Stan Meyers concept was plausible & not an elaborate hoax - maybe one day when there is so little oil left we will see something come of his work - but I doubt it - I'm sure other technologies already exist - but the successful ones will no doubt be the sort that enslaves us to government - not that provide clean free energy.
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