General welding questions that dont fit in TIG, MIG, Stick, or Certification etc.
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I upped the Argon to 20 SCFH and tested that there was gas coming out during and post and tried it once more. It was a huge difference! I was able to do several beads without an issue. It was very quiet, no sputtering. I did have to regrind once but that was probably due to dipping it in.

Thanks for your help. Felt like I actually got somewhere tonight.


Here's some pics.
Bottom half was with filler rod
Bottom half was with filler rod
20150929_184900.jpg (43.9 KiB) Viewed 968 times
Reground, but is blue color below tip ok?
Reground, but is blue color below tip ok?
20150929_182137.jpg (49.55 KiB) Viewed 968 times
Is this tip contaminated?
Is this tip contaminated?
20150929_183241.jpg (24.37 KiB) Viewed 968 times
No filler rod
No filler rod
20150929_183217.jpg (46.97 KiB) Viewed 968 times
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Paul...the pics of the beads with the orange residue is shield gas problem. Glad you found the problem. Try to back down your flow rate a bit as 20cfh sounds a bit high. I usually go 15 or so but gauges vary. Now go watch Jodys vids over and over until you can repeat the text verbatim and you will be on your way. Enjoy the learning process as you will find yourself coming back to the basics all the time. I'm glad you got it figured out, I'm more glad that you came here and asked questions. There are some really great people hangin around this site. Please keep us updated on your progress....Jeff
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I have that manual saved on my Google drive. Here is the folder link with each chapter being a separate pdf the way it was on Miller's site. ... FseGs/edit

Typed on tablet using Swype. Pls excuse Swypo's(Typo's)
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Thanks southpaw. That manual is very helpful. I think I'm finally getting it. Watching Jody'so videos over and over helped. I can work for a while without having to regrind tungsten. I have made a few beads I'm proud of. Ones that actually look like I knew what I was doing. My next problem is fitting up my pieces. I think I need to invest in a decent saw.

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pmcint01 wrote:I think I need to invest in a decent saw.

Uh-huh. You now have the bug.
Instagram: @nathanppiatt

Owner/welder at Homegrown Metal Fab

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pmcint01 wrote:Trying to weld up a frame for a welding cart. Making damn ugly welds. Burning holes mostly. Getting rod stuck and contaminatingredients the tungsten. Don't fill like I'm dipping it in. This is so much harder than plate.
Cut up a few short 1" to 2" inch pieces of that tube and practice welding it to scrap plate .
I seem to get good results on steel with 15 CF on a #7 cup , looks like you've got a smaller cup and 20CF is maybe too much , try laying a very short bead at 10 CF , 15 CF then 20 CF and see what happens. Also, small adjustments in torch angle sometimes have an effect on gas covering the arc good, or, causing turbulence that draws in air from behind . As for the flap discs, I use them too, but sometimes I wonder if any of the Alum oxide gets embedded in the material, even though it's steel i'm sanding. SS wire wheel brush might be better ??? idk . As for filler rod, I always twist as I pull it thru a cloth with acetone. There is always black gunk . If you make a mess, don't get discouraged. There is a learning curve with any skill...everyone admires TIG because it is hard , not easy . This is some of what I've picked up learning TIG this year. Good luck, have fun !
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