General welding questions that dont fit in TIG, MIG, Stick, or Certification etc.
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I bought a couple of spray on metal kits last year from a surplus auction. They are from the 70's but appear to be in good shape. They use oxy-acetylene fuel. The kits contain a spray on torch, regulators, hose,a bottle wrench, a supply of different powders and an instruction booklet. I'll give you a good deal on one if you're interested.
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WeldingSyncrowave 250,Millermatic 252,30a Spoolgun Cutting12" Hi-speed Cutoff Saw, 9x 12 Horizontal Bandsaw MillingGorton 8d Vertical Mill TurningMonarch EE Precision Lathe GrindingBrown & Sharpe #5 Surface Grinder
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    Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:05 pm

Thanks for the offer, but I'm more interested in the electric variety for building up vintage car parts that have worn down from years of oxidation. Your gas version looks more like a method of applying light corrosion protection. Have you tried your gas version? and if so, what are your thoughts on it?

BTW - What price did you have in mind for your kit? I'm mostly just curious...
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It's a full metal spraying kit. It will add metal wherever it may have gotten erased, it will do hardcoating, etc. It all depends on what powder you put in the hopper, it will apply it. I have never used this kit, but I did give one of them to another poster on these boards to try out. i haven't heard from him yet on whether he liked it or not.

I've seen newer versions of this on ebay for between $400-$600 US. I asked for $350 on craigslist and will settle for $150 from anyone on these forums. I'll also take trade.....I could use a nice rotary table for a mill or an indexing fixture.
WeldingSyncrowave 250,Millermatic 252,30a Spoolgun Cutting12" Hi-speed Cutoff Saw, 9x 12 Horizontal Bandsaw MillingGorton 8d Vertical Mill TurningMonarch EE Precision Lathe GrindingBrown & Sharpe #5 Surface Grinder
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Hi, in the 50's I was apprenticed, and one of the jobs I learned was metal spraying to build up parts worn down etc.

The equipment was by Metco, and it used a metal spray gun with oxy/acc to melt a wire of your choice and spray it onto the job reqd.

Most of the work was for reclaiming worn machine shafting and pump shafts etc.

The job was first undercut for about 1/2"or so in the lathe, then it was heated with Oxy/acc, then the Metco spray gun was set up and the metal sprayed onto the undercut area in continuous layers right to the top of the finishing by turning and/or grinding.

As an off work moment, I metal sprayed pieces of rough drift wood, with a bronze coating.

You had to spray the bronze progressively, allowing the layers to cool to stop the wood burning....very ornamental.......looked like a cast bronze object.
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