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Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 6:45 am
by Poland308
I think it’s been brought up intermittently during other posts. Is this intended to be where new ideas are submitted?

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 12:24 pm
by LtBadd
Otto Nobedder wrote:It's been a year and a half since anyone discussed the podcast on this thread?


damn and wow! Good to see you Steve, hope all is well

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 4:05 pm
by noddybrian
Good to see you back - we miss your wisdom.

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 2:41 am
by Otto Nobedder
I'll admit to being a little self-absorbed with health issues. Not just my own. My wife and I now live with her sister and our brother-in-law. I'm now the least crippled person in the house. It works out well enough, as these people are family before they are in-laws. They see to all our needs as well as our reasonable wants, and we essentially serve as care-givers. My skills have saved them thousands of dollars, and I'm a pretty good cook, too.
I'm currently working to put together a small but quality home recording studio so I can work from home selling voiceover services (Radio ads, narrations, audiobooks, and the like). It will require a better microphone than I used on the podcast, and I'll have to use my actor's voice instead of the unrestrained voice y'all heard.
Bak to the health thing, I still don't have a diagnosis. I do have familiarity and predictability. I can sense and predict what effects may come when I have an "outburst", for want of a better word. This gives me a chance to take actions to minimize the effects so I can keep moving forward.
Thanks for noticing my unexpected appearance. It means more ot me than I can say just to have someone acknowledge me for showing up.


Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 8:58 pm
by Coldman
Hi Steve,
very sorry to hear about your health and your family. I thought you were just engrossed with treading the boards. Are you still able to work or is it worse than that?

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 9:27 pm
by Otto Nobedder
Hi, Vic,

I haven't worked since July. One of the issues I'm having is crippling fatigue. It comes in cycles, every 6-10 days, and can last 1-3 days. In between, I can become almost manic.

One thing I suspect, that my GP dismissed out of hand, is a pheocromocytoma. It's a little tumor that grows on one or both adrenal glands, causing one to constantly have too much adrenaline. This fits the high blood pressure, cold sweats, racing heart, racing thoughts and anxiety, and even explains the fatigue, a bit like crashing after a week's cocaine binge (I presume. I never could afford that much coke... :lol: )

I could work from home if I had the space. That's why I'm thinking of doing voice work. I can set that up in a medium-size closet.


Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 10:53 pm
by Poland308
Odd. Must have been drunk.

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 8:52 pm
by Superiorwelding
To all,
We announced this to our Patron supporters and now it's time to announce this here. In addition to the weekly full length episode (which could turn into more each week?) we are getting ready to launch what we are calling "Stubby" episodes. These will be around 10 mins each where we take a question that has been asked of us and give it a quick answer. This is an effort to continue to give back to the community a little more and allows a catalog of episodes that can be quickly listened to (think over your break) and you don't have to listen to a full episode to hear the answer. These are planned to start next month, October 2019 and will post each Wednesday. We hope to make these a daily post (5 a week) but will start out slowly to see how well received they are. Once they start to air let us know what you think!
-Jonathan Lewis

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 11:37 pm
by tweake
sounds sweet :D

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 7:52 am
by LtBadd
Sounds good Jonathan.

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:54 am
by Radishfever

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:03 pm
by Radishfever
Signed up to be a Patreon of the podcast.

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 6:21 pm
by LtBadd
Radishfever wrote: What level Patreon to get the Archives?
I presume you mean the archives of the after show?

Send an email to the podcast and ask

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 6:43 pm
by Radishfever
Yes, the Podcast after show.


Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:05 am
by tweake
Radishfever wrote:
It is really odd how there seems to be such a disconnect between the Podcast and the forum.
more like a disconnect between the forum and everything else :lol:
forums are just old school.

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 5:57 am
by Radishfever

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:04 am
by tweake
Radishfever wrote:I meant a disconnect because the podcast guys don’t participate in the forum much. There is little to no connection between the podcast and forum.

Good example of the disconnect. I was told to email Jody and them about Patreon. Wouldn’t you think I could just ask here?

And we got to pay money to hear the after-show. That after-show is not explained well on the Patreon page. I thought that by paying every month I was getting access to the after shows and I found out I only get the most recent after show.

Forums might be old school but I’m much older than the forums. Was making good money long before any forums

I paid money hoping to get more education about welding. I’m not kidding about this. Had the most recent unpublished after show playing on the shop stereo. My wife was upstairs and she walked downstairs just to give me a giant eye roll over that guests self love making.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
most, if not all, of the guys hang out on Instagram including most of the guests on the podcast.. if you ask via instagram or facebook you will probably get a reply pretty quick.
very few people hang out here.

as much as i dislike social media, there is a really good welding community on instagram.

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:11 am
by Radishfever
Thanks Tweake but I'm done,

For Jonathon, Jody and Roy,

Thanks for the podcast but I suspended my pattern contribution a few minutes ago. The after show was not what I thought it was going to be. Also I thought I should have access to the archives also.

I will keep on listening to the podcast but this is my last post and the last time I will read the forum.

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:11 pm
by Superiorwelding
tweake wrote:
Radishfever wrote:I meant a disconnect because the podcast guys don’t participate in the forum much. There is little to no connection between the podcast and forum.

Good example of the disconnect. I was told to email Jody and them about Patreon. Wouldn’t you think I could just ask here?

And we got to pay money to hear the after-show. That after-show is not explained well on the Patreon page. I thought that by paying every month I was getting access to the after shows and I found out I only get the most recent after show.

Forums might be old school but I’m much older than the forums. Was making good money long before any forums

I paid money hoping to get more education about welding. I’m not kidding about this. Had the most recent unpublished after show playing on the shop stereo. My wife was upstairs and she walked downstairs just to give me a giant eye roll over that guests self love making.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
most, if not all, of the guys hang out on Instagram including most of the guests on the podcast.. if you ask via instagram or facebook you will probably get a reply pretty quick.
very few people hang out here.

as much as i dislike social media, there is a really good welding community on instagram.
I am sorry Radishfever will not be back to this forum. I (we) did not mean to mislead anyone about the after show. Let me explain a few things so members in the future understand a little more.

The Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast is a separate company owned by Roy Crumrine, Jody Collier and myself (Jonathan Lewis). While is shares "Welding Tips & Tricks" in the name it is not directly tied to the forum, Jody's YouTube channel, etc, per say. The Podcast is a way the three of us try to give back to the community some of the knowledge we have learned.

Patreon was set up for those who asked how they can support the show and then extended to access to the after show. The after show is, and always has been, the behind the scenes of our lives be it business, personal or whatever. We have no script not do we necessarily talk about the same things each time. The after show is not for everyone and that is okay. If you are a current Patron and you are on our Patreon page you can scroll and see every single episode and aftershow.

As for our participation on the forum. I can't or won't speak for the others but myself I have a super busy schedule and can't be everywhere all the time. I currently run several businesses and a family. I would love to be on here more, and maybe I can be sometime, but for now I check in from time to time and help out when possible. I would like to think I have contributed to the forum over the years, seeing as I have posted here quite a lot, but sometimes it is time for others to carry the torch for a while.

Again, sorry for any confusion, that was not my intent.
Jonathan Lewis

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 6:38 am
by LtBadd
Superiorwelding wrote:
Radishfever wrote: And we got to pay money to hear the after-show. That after-show is not explained well on the Patreon page. I thought that by paying every month I was getting access to the after shows and I found out I only get the most recent after show.
If you are a current Patron and you are on our Patreon page you can scroll and see every single episode and aftershow.

Jonathan Lewis
That's what I thought, thanks for stopping by Jonathan ;)

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:22 pm
by LtBadd
Stubby 11 Work Ethics

Anyone listening the the stubby episodes? Last Wednesday was a good one about work ethics, good for those starting out in the working world or anyone who might consider that we all can do better.


Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 9:46 pm
by Superiorwelding
I thought Jody did a great job on that one too! I didn't get to listen to it until it was live and was impressed and glad at all he said.
Jonathan Lewis

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 2:11 pm
by Homemade
Good luck in Texas, Jonathan.

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:55 pm
by Superiorwelding
Homemade wrote:Good luck in Texas, Jonathan.
Thank you very much!

Re: Welding Tips & Tricks Podcast

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:50 pm
by LtBadd
This weeks episode is about us, I mean the WTT forum, it posted as of today so give a listen if you don't already.