Maybe you should have sent him back to the pipe guys to obtain the number of that rod, you could have had a real ping-pong match going on. Now the important question, how did you get any more work done (without laughing) that day after that happened.Otto Nobedder wrote:On an Ethanol plant, I was doing a lot of structural with 7018, and building conveyor transitions with 308 MIG. We naturally had to cover all the wire trays with fire blanket to protect them, and were careful and thorough about it.
A young "first field job" electrical engineer assaulted me about this practice, wanting to know why the hell we weren't using that "spark-less rod" the pipe guys were using.
I wanted to explain it, but he stormed off before I could quit laughing.
Steve S
I know of another "praying on the innocent" event. My Brother was serving in the USN in 1966-1967 off the coast of Vietnam on an Aircraft Carrier. All of the new recruits at one time or another had to goto the parts cage and ask for a spool of pipe threads. No, my Brother new better than that.
Thanks Steve, I needed that tonight.