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Thoughts on a Lincoln Square Wave TIG 300

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:48 pm
by LanceR
Hello All

I have a shot at buying a full function 1989 Lincoln Square Wave TIG 300 with spot timer, gas and water pre and post flow controls, Pulse control, crater fill etc. It will be a bare machine and assuming everything works would be my go-to machine for light fabrication for things like making smokers and puttering around the shop.

I'll call Lincoln to see what the parts availability situation is before making an offer. The machine seems to be in good shape without a lot of use or abuse. I won't be able to run it before buying it and don't yet know if I can work a deal where if it doesn't work I can bring it back.

If i get it I'll sell a couple of Miller Dialarc 250s I have and use the leads from them for stick welding but will need to track down a TIG torch (or two...), water cooler, foot pedal, flowmeter etc but I'll have to do that eventually anyway when I upgrade.

If anyone has experience with these or similar machines or any other thoughts I'd appreciate your input. I have a week or so before I have to pull the trigger.

Thanks and best regards


Re: Thoughts on a Lincoln Square Wave TIG 300

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:21 pm
by kiwi2wheels
I've used a Square Wave TIG 355 and really liked it and also the Idealarc 300/300.

My reservation about the machine you are looking at is you can't try it out to see if all systems are functioning correctly. Being a cynical barsteward, I'd also wonder why a fully functioning machine like that doesn't have the required ancillaries with it.

The guy whose 355 I used, scrapped it when it died, either because of parts availability (time) or price to repair, something to consider.The machine was his business, so messing around wasn't an option. Unless you can borrow what's needed to try it out and have a cast iron return guarantee, my 0.02c is I'd pass on it.

Whatever you decide, keep at least one Dialarc !

Re: Thoughts on a Lincoln Square Wave TIG 300

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:38 am
by LanceR
Thanks, KIwi

The machine is two hours away so I'll try to get there this week to inspect it. If they'll let me, I'll take along some leads, my play clothes and a rod tube and at least test the SMAW functions.

I actually have three of the Dialarc 250s, two white face and one black face. The company that got the contract for the welding at a massive solar panel plant being built outside Buffalo sold off over 300 pieces of equipment and replaced them all. I got the three Dialarcs in running condition and on mobility bases at auction for $182 plus the two hour drive. They had been well used but also appeared to have had pretty good maintenance. They had the manuals and preventative maintenance inspection sheets in pouches with them.

If I get the Square Wave TIG I'll keep the best of the Dialarcs until I'm really sure of how well the Square Wave works. One way or another, my offer will reflect that it's a crap shoot. Also, parts availability will play a big part in whether I even try to buy it.


Re: Thoughts on a Lincoln Square Wave TIG 300

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:11 pm
by Louie1961
What is the asking price on the machine? There are plenty of square wave transformer TIG units out there to choose from (Syncrowaves, Hobart TIGwave, Airco Heliwelder, etc.). If you can't demo the unit and make sure that EVERYTHING functions as intended, then do not pay much more than scrap value for the machine. If the machine had a foot pedal, a water cooler, a tank of argon, all the leads, TIG torches, etc. it would probably not be worth more than around $1500. Without any of the necessary add ons (especially a foot pedal) then the machine is maybe work $700 tops. If you can't try the machine I personally would not pay more than $200-300 for it. Not having a foot pedal is a big issue in my opinion. if you can't either buy or adapt a foot pedal to this machine then it is nothing more than a larger version of a dialarc.