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Jody, What the hell was that?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:17 pm
by Otto Nobedder
I just watched your "waking the cup" video. You dedicated about 20 seconds to "wiggling" the cup, and the rest of the video to "NOT" walking the cup.

Were you high?

Re: Jody, What the hell was that?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:30 am
by GWD
I don't know about that review. It seemed to cover the topic quite thoroughly.

There is only so much one can do with the technique and still get a five minute video.

Re: Jody, What the hell was that?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:01 am
by ogorir
I thought it was pretty clear that Jody doesn't really like walking the cup, but was asked to do a video on it by a bunch of people, but knows it's a valid technique in some situations. I'm not a pipe welder and the technique has never made any sense to me. it just seems like it's a substitute for actually watching the puddle.

Re: Jody, What the hell was that?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:00 pm
by kermdawg
I -know- how to walk the cup, but as soon as I learned how to freehand with a hobo finger, I all but quit doing it. It is good to know though because you will need to use it at some points. Theres not a whole lot to explain, it just takes practice.

Re: Jody, What the hell was that?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:27 pm
by Otto Nobedder
I suppose my surprise at the "glossing-over" in this video comes from the jobs I've been on where, in the absence of X-ray, you are judged solely by appearance. In these cases, they expect the cap to look like "snakeskin" or a "wedding band". I've even seen test descriptions that require you to walk the cup, and this is high-end money type work.

I understand Jody's preference, but his video was a bit of a disappointment where the technique is concerned.

I may have reacted more harshly in my review than was called for, for personal reasons, and if so, I apologize.


Re: Jody, What the hell was that?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:07 pm
by admin
ok everyone, here is the deal... . Over a year ago, I decided to try to make a different video every single week. I knew life would get in the way but I thought this would make me better at it.
I try to have it done before Friday and Sometimes its the day before and I got nuttin. Things dont always go like I want. I dont always have the material on hand to do what I want...When that happens, I punt and hope for the best.

sometimes I make a video in response to a question someone emails me. Thats what this one was.

I hope to get better at making videos but every now and then, I am going to screw up.

thanks for hanging with me,


Re: Jody, What the hell was that?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:51 am
by 1080TWIST
personally i really appriciate the plain english and non fancyfull way you have of laying down the important info without making is sound all complicated. you have great techniques and your width of knowlege is really cool. I am mostly all self taught and have learned alot things the hard way. and done a good many different things that left me wondering, if even though it may of looked good was it really right?... any way I have been welding for at least 25 yrs and am a practicing 6g pipe fitter for at least 10 yrs and believe i learned something from every video you made. :)

Re: Jody, What the hell was that?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 1:03 pm
by kermdawg
I think this site provides a real head-start for guys like me that are just breaking into the welding field. Its hard to get alot of those old hands to give away all their secrets. Guys like me watch those guys like hawks and pick their brains every chance they get but not everyone has the oppurtunity, so this site kinda takes all that old hand knowledge and puts it in one place.