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Optical centre punches

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:56 am
by MattNSW
I'm thinking of picking one of these up as I'm tired of matching holes up and finding one slightly out, does anyone use them and are they worth the cost?

And before anyone mentions it, yes I am going to get my eyes checked. I'm not getting any younger, my mid life crisis is looming, and I'm planning to buy a stack of tools instead of an impractical Italian sports car :D

Re: Optical centre punches

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:08 am
by cj737
MattNSW wrote:I'm not getting any younger, my mid life crisis is looming, and I'm planning to buy a stack of tools instead of an impractical Italian sports car :D
If not, then you certainly need to buy some impractical Italian tools else it won't be a true midlife crisis. :o

Re: Optical centre punches

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:57 am
by tungstendipper
At 63 years old, bad vision, I don't need an optical center punch. Mr Pete ( Your You Tube Shop Teacher) taught me to find the center of scribed lines by feel, with a sharpen automatic center punch, and it works!

So I can't see or hear, but thank God I still can drive Italian sports cars! :lol:

Re: Optical centre punches

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:42 pm
by MattNSW
Ah yes but does Mr Pete's method have the "ooh, isn't it shiny" factor?

Never heard of the channel, actually - I'll check it out, might save myself a few bucks. Thanks for the tip.

Re: Optical centre punches

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:16 pm
by cornmuse
I'm 71, I bought two of those over your glasses magnifiers (I'e got astigmatism, bad), on sale at Harbor freight, removed the lights & flip down lenses, (lights are a joke). I have the 'bubble-pack' bag they came in dangling from the ceiling where I mostly use it, have not had to clean lenses since purchase. Other set I have in my 'office' (<- thats a stretch!!)


Re: Optical centre punches

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:53 am
by LanceR
tungstendipper wrote:AMr Pete ( Your You Tube Shop Teacher)
I am anything but a youtube warrior and all my YT searches come up with is nonsense when I try to find this guy. Can someone take mercy on a poor old retired GI and give me an azimuth check to the objective?

Thanks and best regards to all

Re: Optical centre punches

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 12:25 pm
by tungstendipper
LanceR wrote:
tungstendipper wrote:AMr Pete ( Your You Tube Shop Teacher)
I am anything but a youtube warrior and all my YT searches come up with is nonsense when I try to find this guy. Can someone take mercy on a poor old retired GI and give me an azimuth check to the objective?

Thanks and best regards to all
Try this page: ... 8E76KP7sQg

Re: Optical centre punches

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:53 pm
by clavius
I do not currently have one but have used them at the place I used to work. I found it to be a useful and handy tool to have around. I would not call it "indispensable" by any means, but it worked as advertised and did make it easy to pick up intersecting lines and get an accurately placed divot. It was particularly useful if you had to line up to lines that were not scribed into the surface, such as a pencil or fine marker line.