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Re: Mike Rowe gets it right

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:19 am
by kermdawg
Sorry I got bored halfway through the video. :p

Mike Rowe is a good dude, and dirty jobs is a good show. Been watchin it for years, used to watch it religiously, not so much anymore, but i dont change the channel if i see that its on.

Unfortuneately as the "humane" society (by which I mean, well, you all know what I mean) gets its way more and more, theres going to be less and less people doing the jobs that need to be done, like bitin the nuts off of sheep, or welding up steel for a sky scraper, or welding the pipe for all the "clean" energy they want. 20 years we're going to be screwed because there are very few people my age (im 26) getting into the trades. Theres a stigma about construction work, leave it to the immigrants. These jobs pay good money! Why go to college for 4 years and get a degree and run up 50k in debt and end up working at mcdonalds! I dropped out of high school and I made 88 thousand my first year as a journeyman in the trades. No, not my first year as an apprentice, but after I did my time, I ended up with a good career everyone says I was stupid for taking up. But its in your blood man. Its in mine at least. I love this shit, I love taking raw materials and making something useful and productive and beneficial to society out of it, whether its a piece of plate or a piece of pipe. And it breaks my heart to see people my age wasting there lives in school for YEARS only to end up working for minimum wage, saddled with debt, not even 25 years old.

Hard work builds character, and all those a$$holes in washington who never worked hard a day in their lives could learn ALOT from workin on a jobsite for a week.

Re: Mike Rowe gets it right

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:30 pm
by kermdawg
dude im a licensed journeyman plumber. where the hell are you workin the plumbers are rollin in that kind of dough? imma move there tomorrow.

ill check out the video again. so true, the damn liberal eggheads at harvard are waging a war against the blue collar and capitalism itself.

Re: Mike Rowe gets it right

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:30 pm
by kermdawg
Ya im in vegas. 99 percent of our work is hotel/casinos. The same people we hate cause they jaywalk, dont know how to drive, dont speak english, are the reason we make 40 bucks an hour.

Welcome to vegas. Leave your money and go home. :)