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Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:57 am
by Radishfever
closed out

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 9:58 am
by cj737
$250 for saw horses? I could fabricate those out of stainless for that amount of money :o And you have to weld them!
Try this instead -

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:27 am
by Radishfever
You are lucky.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:42 am
by Radishfever
I have seen the fireball tool horses and they would great for everyday stuff. Someday maybe I will make some.


Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 12:23 pm
by sportster
I have no legitimate opinion on the fabHorses so take this FWIW....
Radishfever wrote:I want to use them on top of an asphalt driveway.
This suggests you'll be dragging 60+ lb fabHorses to/from your shop to the driveway, on a semi-regular basis. I'm not in my 20's anymore, so I'll suggest..... as you age, this process will get old in a hurry. (aka maybe not a problem now but will be in the retirement years).

You may wish to work up a set on casters.... possibly some "locking" caster wheels with a wood platform.... to roll the fabHorses around. (or ask the Tab & Slot guys to design it in the product, no doubt for extra $$$)

Of course, do whatever works for you.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 3:28 pm
by Radishfever
We just want info on the product.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 3:32 pm
by Radishfever
Nobody can convince me

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:02 am
by Radishfever
I have boards in my woodshed that weigh more than 65 pounds.

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Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:28 am
by JayWal
Radishfever wrote:You are lucky. Around here they charge a lot of money for steel. I have been in contact with the big supplier around here. The prices are shocking. Those horses are much cheaper than what I could buy steel for. Then I would have to drill holes and weld.

I’d be interested to know just how expensive your steel is. Last job I did I bought 2” sq tubing .125 wall for $1.75/foot. That’s in Canada, not too long after a certain lovely president threw some tariffs on US steel. The folding sawhorses I made I used 20’ of tubing per so that’s $35 material per sawhorse. Long ways from $200-$250.

Of course if I was making them to sell and make money I’m sure with labour I’d be up to $120-$150.

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Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:46 am
by Radishfever
You were buying in bulk.



Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:57 am
by JayWal
Wait, you can hire “helpers” the build stuff??? [emoji4]

No i have a small farm shop, building stuff on the side in winter. Hobby level, purely YouTube certified. No helpers or bulk discounts. Personally I like using my imagination to build stuff I need. Even if sometimes buying would have been cheaper. But that’s just me, if anyone wants to save time and money and buy, congrats. Go for it.

I have no experience with the CertaFlat stuff, but I’m sure it’ll work great for you.

Have a great day, I’m gonna head back out under my bridge now, cheers!

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Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:58 am
by Radishfever
If you want to help then find me a steel supplier who will give me good prices.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:10 am
by Radishfever
JayWal wrote:Wait, you can hire “helpers” the build stuff??? [emoji4]

No i have a small farm shop, building stuff on the side in winter. Hobby level, purely YouTube certified. No helpers or bulk discounts. Personally I like using my imagination to build stuff I need. Even if sometimes buying would have been cheaper. But that’s just me, if anyone wants to save time and money and buy, congrats. Go for it.

I have no experience with the CertaFlat stuff, but I’m sure it’ll work great for you.

Have a great day, I’m gonna head back out under my bridge now, cheers!

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I can't build them for any cheaper than I can buy them. This is a fact.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:15 am
by Radishfever
Has anybody out there ever seen a Fab Horse at a Fab Tech show or other convention. Do you have a friend who bought one.

I'm a really good person living on Cape Cod. My wife and I have helped people many times. We are just looking for a review of the Fab Horse from someone with knowledge.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:35 am
by cj737
Radishfever wrote:You were buying in bulk.

I live on Cape Cod in a rural village. There is no industry in our area. I'm completely retired and no longer have discounts at the supply houses. I'm not a business and do not buy in bulk. Nobody around here gives away steel. Everyone is trying to make a living. The big steel supply is off cape over an hour away. I had numerous contacts with the facility and have decided that they are to expensive for this smart, talented wood butcher.

Also the saw horses are not $250. One guy claimed they were but he only quoted the price from the largest model that Ceri Flat sells.

here is were I get you little trolls by the balls. You trolls can buy steel and bulk but you still have to fabricate and build the Horse. I'm guessing you are going to pay your helper to build it. All the steel savings just went in the cesspool. You guys have no imagination and it's incredible disrespectful to continue.

If you really want to help me do one of the following things. Find me a cheaper kit to weld together or make me kit that is less money but of equal use then the fab horse. If it's cheaper and works with all of my welding table fixtures, then you will be a hero. Until then you are trolls.

You trolls forget that not everybody has the same access to materials at the same cost. These are the same trolls that drive $40,000 pick up trucks and buy enormous welding machines that hey don't understand. Then these trolls will start telling me how they can do it cheaper. Yet, no troll can come trough with a better or cheaper solution.

Don't worry about my freaking money you punk trolls. I bought inexpensive machines so I buy other welding gear. The whole thing has been planned out and my wife and I are retired. it's all good. The steel store in our area is extremely expensive. Call them yourselfs and ask questions. Stop harassing me unless you can produce something cheaper.
Wow! You have a bit of an attitude for someone on a public forum.

For your edification, I buy material at a local Metal Supermarkets by the piece when needed. I’m not “buying in bulk” as you might suggest. And characterizing someone as a troll simply because they offer you some alternatives to your original thought process is myopic and rather hypocritical. Aren’t you in fact banging on someone over their decision between a 180 and 200 amp welder where their original question was purely about pulse?

I’m delighted that you are financially sound, retired and accomplished. You are not unique nor alone. Bear that in mind. But do spare the balance of members your diatribe and rant with aspersions vaguely directed at those who would otherwise attempt to offer you helpful ideas. Take them or leave them. But keep your trite comments to yourself please in the interest of public decorum.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:00 am
by Radishfever
I though I was clear about my intention.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:03 am
by Radishfever
cj737 wrote:$250 for saw horses? I could fabricate those out of stainless for that amount of money :o And you have to weld them!
Try this instead -

This is not soft advice. This was a holy shit how could you waste that much money.

Got you by the balls on a public forum.

You actually wrote that I was being upset about your valued advice. You didn't give any advice you basically blasted the idea of buying these horses as completely absurd. Then you have the balls to tell me I have no right to question your sage advice.

Got you by the balls on a public forum one more time.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:15 am
by cj737
Radishfever wrote:I know very little about anything.
Finally something you’ve said on which we agree.

As long as you’re fondling my sack, would you mind using a bit of lotion. Those callouses from patting yourself on your back are chafing me. :roll:

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:25 am
by Radishfever
Happy I got you.

Caught you in a lie. You just told the whole world that I was bad by not taking you sage advice.

One problem was that you never gave any sage advice. You only spewed out your greatness and ability to build stainless saw horses for less money. Go read your reply to my post. You were blown away by the cost of the Fab Horses. There is no constructive words. You gave a link to another good horse made by Fire Ball Tool. I will make some of those at some point. But the Fab Horse style with a flat top and holes can work with my fixtures and clamps. That is a large difference in the style horse between Fireball and Cert Flat

Even if I could get all the 3/16" steel for $100 it would sell require me to fabricate all the parts and drill all the holes for my fixtures. And do this at precise 90* angles. We also have a note book full of other project ideas and do not really need anymore work.

There is a possibility that someday I open a small welding shop service or look for part time work from another welding company.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:52 am
by JayWal
Radishfever wrote:
JayWal wrote:Wait, you can hire “helpers” the build stuff??? [emoji4]

No i have a small farm shop, building stuff on the side in winter. Hobby level, purely YouTube certified. No helpers or bulk discounts. Personally I like using my imagination to build stuff I need. Even if sometimes buying would have been cheaper. But that’s just me, if anyone wants to save time and money and buy, congrats. Go for it.

I have no experience with the CertaFlat stuff, but I’m sure it’ll work great for you.

Have a great day, I’m gonna head back out under my bridge now, cheers!

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You never read the original question you troll. I can easily build saw horses all freaking day. I can't build them for any cheaper than I can buy them. This is a fact.

I also have a collection of table fixtures that will work in the Fab Horses. And I Have special clamps that would work on the Fab Horses. I have no rent on the shop and it's much cheaper to stay here and utilize the driveway for more space then to rent a bigger shop.

I have no mortgage, no car payments and no debt. But you little trolls are trying to make me feel bad about buying steel that is ready to just weld together. I think you little trolls are probably in debt up to your eyeballs.

Back to reality, Stay in Canada

I read your question. And stated very clearly I have no experience with CertaFlat as they are out of my budget range. Mainly because of the low Canadian dollar.

The point of my post was simply that I was curious how your steel prices compare to mine. I don’t buy bulk, as I said I’m a hobbyist I can’t afford it. And trust me. Cape Cod is not rural by Canadian prairie standards where I am. There is only one industry here that is farming. Steel suppliers are few and far between. I can’t even pay to have my stuff delivered much less get free shipping.

I do not give rodents butt if you spend $100 or $10,000 on sawhorses. I was simply wondering how your steel prices compare. Yes I know that’s slightly off topic of your original question. My apologies.

Oh and yes. I do plan to stay in Canada.

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Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:09 pm
by cj737
As you embark on a new craft (metal from your time with wood) you might find it beneficial to purchase a few metal working specific tools if you don't own them. For instance, a Mag Drill. You can rent these too, but sometimes owning specialized tools is more cost-effective.

I bought one and made my own fab table (plus other work tables etc.) I drilled about 800 holes in my table to create a perfect pattern for fixturing work of different sizes that comes may way. Material cost was well under $600 for a 4'x'6'x.750 slab of Blanchard ground steel plus the frame on which it sits. The Mag Drill cost me $500 I think versus the $2,000 the machine shop wanted to drill my pattern. No thanks.

I have also used the tool to create jigs, brackets, tool holders etc for the same type of clamps you use. Because I own this tool, and other metal working machines, I look upon spending money for something pre-made with an eye towards cost. Cost of raw materials, cost of time, the effectiveness of the design.

Certi-flat makes very fine products. I simply think $250 (product plus tax, remember ;) ) is pretty expensive for something I could make myself for far less. You prefer to spend your time on other projects; great. Spend the money as it is yours alone to earn, save, spend as you wish. There is no one on this forum who truly cares. My intent was to point you at an option and stimulate your creative juices. You'd rather purchase something ready-to-go, please do so and know I envy your liberal choices. I too buy some stuff, but prefer to fabricate or machine most things for myself.

There are no "lies" in any of the replies. I did read your original post. You simply took umbrage with my response. And others who have also responded did so not to insult you but to perhaps offer you other perspectives, something this forum is excellent at doing: sharing experiences.

So please do step down off your ladder and put down that 65# chip on your shoulder. No one is interested in the middle school drama. Least of all me.

If you want, I'd be happy to take some 1/4x4" flat HR and drill you some tops and sides for your own saw horses or work tables. You need not spend the money on buying things if you don't have the tools. You have "willing" forum members to help you out if you need it or want it.

Your choice entirely.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:00 pm
by Radishfever
cj737 wrote:As you embark on a new craft (metal from your time with wood) you might find it beneficial to purchase a few metal working specific tools if you don't own them. For instance, a Mag Drill. You can rent these too, but sometimes owning specialized tools is more cost-effective.

I bought one and made my own fab table (plus other work tables etc.) I drilled about 800 holes in my table to create a perfect pattern for fixturing work of different sizes that comes may way. Material cost was well under $600 for a 4'x'6'x.750 slab of Blanchard ground steel plus the frame on which it sits. The Mag Drill cost me $500 I think versus the $2,000 the machine shop wanted to drill my pattern. No thanks.

I have also used the tool to create jigs, brackets, tool holders etc for the same type of clamps you use. Because I own this tool, and other metal working machines, I look upon spending money for something pre-made with an eye towards cost. Cost of raw materials, cost of time, the effectiveness of the design.

Certi-flat makes very fine products. I simply think $250 (product plus tax, remember ;) ) is pretty expensive for something I could make myself for far less. You prefer to spend your time on other projects; great. Spend the money as it is yours alone to earn, save, spend as you wish. There is no one on this forum who truly cares. My intent was to point you at an option and stimulate your creative juices. You'd rather purchase something ready-to-go, please do so and know I envy your liberal choices. I too buy some stuff, but prefer to fabricate or machine most things for myself.

There are no "lies" in any of the replies. I did read your original post. You simply took umbrage with my response. And others who have also responded did so not to insult you but to perhaps offer you other perspectives, something this forum is excellent at doing: sharing experiences.

So please do step down off your ladder and put down that 65# chip on your shoulder. No one is interested in the middle school drama. Least of all me.

If you want, I'd be happy to take some 1/4x4" flat HR and drill you some tops and sides for your own saw horses or work tables. You need not spend the money on buying things if you don't have the tools. You have "willing" forum members to help you out if you need it or want it.

Your choice entirely.

Honestly I find you full of shit. I never asked for an alternative to the fab horse. I asked if anybody had any first hand experience with the.

An d you never once gave me any friendly information. You were exasperated about the price and said you could build one cheaper.

I have at least $500 worth of fixtures that I can use on Fab Horses and a Certi Flat Table. They are not expensive unless you buy the Fab Blocks. I always buy the Pro Tables which are excellent times one thousand. By far the best table I have ever owned or used.

You then quoted steel prices for thinner stock the Certi Flat uses. That was not a fair comparison. Also Certi Flat ships for free and your supplier charges two gonads per delivery.

So now you want me to buy a mag drill so I drill saw horses. Why bother when I have a spectacular drill press right behind me. A mag drill would be like using an axe compared to my drill.

I got you by the balls. I even emailed Certi Flat telling them that there are no reviews for there Fab Horses and that there were guys on the board saying they could build better for less. When are we going to see your cheaper stainless version? :lol:

I won this and I have you by the balls. You lost.

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:59 pm
by cj737
I think you might need to refill the prescription on your meds. :roll:

Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:05 pm
by JayWal
I wonder if there are no reviews because you’re the first to buy them [emoji848]

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Re: CertiFlat Fab Horses opinions wanted by users only

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:16 pm
by Radishfever
cj737 wrote:I think you might need to refill the prescription on your meds. :roll:
They refill automatic. Thyroid disease means I need regular blood work and dosage adjustments are sometimes required. I now take 125 Micrograms a day for Hashimoto's Disease.

I got you by the balls on the Fab Horses though. Still waiting for your stainless version. Will the stainless version that costs less money have accurate holes? Can you get accurate holes with a magdrill?

My wife and I are going to love the Fab Horses. Really looking forward to hearing from someone who has actually used a Fab Horse. Looking forward to hearing how the experience was or is. Let me know and it would be greatly appreciated.

It's hard to believe this other guy is insisting on talking me out of it. Steel on the Cape is astronomical. If anybody knows any resources please help me out. Regardless what this other guy says. There is no source for steel in my area that is cheap. Sorry it upsets some of you guys. I moved here long before I started messing with steel. My wife grew up next to the steel mills in Detroit during the 1950's. She said we could of just walked down the street and bought directly from the factory. Here on the Cape there are no cheap industrial supplies. Everything is marked up at least 100%. Sorry this has effected some members. It's the reality of living in a rural area. Argon is expensive and anything over 80 cf is considered industrial. Steel is expensive and I do not have a truck or large vehicle. My situation does not match yours and there is nothing I can do. Please understand that I already have at $500 worth of fixtures that will fit those Fab Horses. In order to match that by home made means, I would have to buy materials. I can not get materials at my location any cheaper than the Fab horse kit. I apologize if this bothers you. I watch Fire Ball tools all the time. His saw Horse is lovely but I can't use my fixtures on his saw horses. Plus I already have half a dozen pairs of horses around my property.

If you are worried about me spending money then think of it this way. Either I pay more money and build my own version of the Fab Horse. And it takes lots of fabrication then welding. Or do I take the cheaper way out and buy the Fab Horse. Which will have perfect holes and require almost no effort to zap together. I'm going to ponder my choices.

While I do this. Please write me about your experience with the Fab Horse fro Certi Flat.