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Auto Darkening in Colder Temps - what helmets measure up ?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 1:27 pm
by sportster
To my dis-pleasure, my 10 yr old Lincoln Vista 3000 helmet, is choosing to randomly and unpredictably flash me. To be clear, I strike a TIG arc on carbon steel, generally my helmet darkens immediately, then 5-30 seconds into the weld it reverts back to normal.... often times, it then jumps unpredictably from darkening on, off, on, off.... etc. until I get off the pedal.

Generally it's been an ok helmet, no flashing.... until now. I suspect this unpredictable behavior is due to my attempt at TIG welding in 20F temperatures. So I'll blame the arrival of colder weather.

Looking at the specs for new helmets (low end or even the top of line Optrel, Miller, Lincoln, etc.), they do not seem to indicate their suitability for welding in colder temperatures. Optrel does indicate an operating temperature of -10C to +70C but not sure if I should have total faith in that statement alone.

My minimum criteria for a new helmet:
  • great clarity
  • superior fitment for:
    • prescription eye glasses, and
    • 3m respirator (half mask style)
  • auto darkening works flawlessly in colder temperatures (down to at least 20F)
  • does Miller X-mode work flawlessly in colder temperatures ?
  • what manufacturer specs should I look for, to ensure any proposed helmet auto darkens in colder temperatures ? (or is this just wishful thinking on my part ?)
  • any recommendations on helmets that measure up ?
Thanks for your time.

Re: Auto Darkening in Colder Temps - what helmets measure up

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 5:10 pm
by LtBadd
Since I live in Florida I am thankful to say I can't help with cold weather performance, except to say I'd call the manufactures and ask their tech sales your questions.

Re: Auto Darkening in Colder Temps - what helmets measure up

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:28 pm
by JayWal
I’ve used my Lincoln Viking in -20F occasionally with no issues. Tho not enough to confidently say it’ll work for you. I prefer to do indoors as much as possible. At least there’s no humidity/fogging issues in the cold like those poor Florida guys have to fight...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Auto Darkening in Colder Temps - what helmets measure up

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 8:18 am
by BillE.Dee
Sporster,,,I live in northeastern part of PA and the weather is kind of cool in the winter months. My shop isn't heated like I want it to be, BUT, I make it work.
I do have an older helmet with a replacement cartridge that is "auto darkening" and solar powered. IF there is a battery backup, I haven't found it. I do know that helmet is useable after it warms up from being in the house, but also will act up and flash on and off...from time to time... :shock: I have noticed that the cartridges with batteries are more reliable. Hope this helps.

Re: Auto Darkening in Colder Temps - what helmets measure up

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 10:58 am
by sportster
LtBadd wrote:.... except to say I'd call the manufacturers and ask their tech sales your questions.
Good idea. One of my local LWS has a reasonably decent unbiased tech rep, I'll pick his brain too.
JayWal wrote:I’ve used my Lincoln Viking in -20F occasionally with no issues. Tho not enough to confidently say it’ll work for you. I prefer to do indoors as much as possible....
Your Lincoln Viking works in -20F..... hmmm, maybe my Lincoln Vista 3000 has other issues at play here. i.e. more than just cold weather. My solar powered unit might just be at end of life.
BillE.Dee wrote:.... My shop isn't heated like I want it to be, BUT, I make it work.
I do have an older helmet with a replacement cartridge that is "auto darkening" and solar powered. IF there is a battery backup, I haven't found it. I do know that helmet is useable after it warms up from being in the house, but also will act up and flash on and off...from time to time... :shock: I have noticed that the cartridges with batteries are more reliable....
My garage isn't heated either. It's another +20F few days here this weekend, so I'll do another round of tests.

This time, pre-heating my helmet, as in.... warm it up in the house for several hours before use, might pay some dividends. We'll see.

Thank you all for the suggestions.

Re: Auto Darkening in Colder Temps - what helmets measure up

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:34 pm
by snoeproe
I live in Canada. Gets very cold here. All I will use anymore is my fibre metal flip window. I have an Optrel auto dark lens in it. It has worked excellent for me down to -30. When I worked construction, I would take it with me each nite so it spent overnight inside where it was warm. It would go all day in extreme cold the next day.

Re: Auto Darkening in Colder Temps - what helmets measure up

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:47 pm
by Olivero
Try changing out your battery.

I doubt 20 degrees is enough to kill a helmet.

Re: Auto Darkening in Colder Temps - what helmets measure up

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 11:12 am
by sportster
Nothing definitive yet. But after a few more trials on 20F days, I can say my Lincoln Vista 3000 hasn't flashed me provided it sits inside (where it's warm) overnight. So it seems there IS something to where it spends its down time. No more nights in a cold garage for it.

I still plan on looking at a helmet upgrade..... need to step up & get after that.

And just a heads up..... the Vista 3000 is solar powered only unit. No external battery to change.

Re: Auto Darkening in Colder Temps - what helmets measure up

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:34 pm
by hey_allen
Looking at the troubleshooting section of the Vista 3000 manual, it looks like they know it's affected by cold weather, as there is a warning that it may be slow to darken while it's cold.
That said, the information about flickering back to a lighter state doesn't mention cold, but instead just the normal warnings about clean and unobstructed solar cells.