General welding questions that dont fit in TIG, MIG, Stick, or Certification etc.
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Can I buy and use a spoolgun to weld aluminum with my Miller 130XP MIG (110v) What would be the draw backs and then the plus's? I understand changing out the tank for Argon. Will this change the thickness that I can weld?

Thanks Chris
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You will need a miller 3035 spoolgun and an SGA 100 control box. You will be limited to probably 3/16-1/4 inch material, and that being with using a 50/50 helium argon mix. Check out this link. ... ookup.html
Pipefitter/Weldor out of Local 396
Millermatic 252
Dynasty 200DX
Maxstar 150 STL
Spoolmate 100
Hypertherm Powermax 85
Miller Digital Elite
JD2 Model 32 Bender
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Thanks for the info Jim. Did not realize about the helium/argon mix?? Tell me more as why helium?

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I could explain it, but this is better than what I could do. Not only that, I don't have to type so much. :D Check this out. ... uminum.cfm
If you have any more questions, feel free to pick the brains of the many very experienced and skilled weldors in this forum.
Pipefitter/Weldor out of Local 396
Millermatic 252
Dynasty 200DX
Maxstar 150 STL
Spoolmate 100
Hypertherm Powermax 85
Miller Digital Elite
JD2 Model 32 Bender
Emerson 7120 Horizontal/Vertical Bandsaw
Oxy-Gas Torch outfit
Generac XP8000E Generator
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