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Is your website bringing in the business?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:40 pm
by kgequipment
Hello All
Like the subject says: Is your websites bringing in the business. We finally have a website and some business but not alot is coming from it. If you have a website can you tell me what is working for you. Now the way thinks are with the economy, quality work is not the most important thing. Please take a look at my website and leave a response. What you like or dont. What to add or take away. Honest comment are what I am looking for.

KG Equipment

Re: Is your website bringing in the business?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:41 am
by NT Unique
Hey mate

I have just done alot of research into this kind of thing an a friend that has an associate business to mine has just completed a two week course on just this, my web site is in the process of being comprehensivly overhauled so it is no example to show off yet. But it has the basics established.

First thing I noticed is it's black, seriously ditch the black. I know that black is cool but it brings the site down.
Secondly, the pic of the building is dreary. Loose it......for now
Thirdly, you have a bunch of key word for things that you business makes, they are very jumbled and mixed up. Have tabs either along the top or down the side that are lined up (preferably alphabeticaly)And have a "contact us" tab that has that pic of your business on it with the google map and numbers to contact.
Fourth, your home page should be just that, the home page. Have you business logo up the top or to the corner, have the intro blurb on what you do and a couple of cool pic's of some kick ass stuff. Like you lazer cutter in action! Leave all the clutter pics for the pages that are relevent to those items
And lastly, you will only ever get business as a result of your website by having people go to it (this is a cleaver start) get some stickers done up (big ones) that have you business logo and you website underneith in BIG letters and stick it onto everthing you make, even catch up with past customers that have been happy with your work and mail it out to them (people love to put sticker onto shit). The more exposure you can get for you address will increase you hits to your website.
Oh and a catchy phrase to go with you business name it always a winner, people remember products because of the catch phrase.

I hope I wasn't too forward with what i have said, there is a shite load of other stuff but I don't want to make too many enemies with the web geeks as that is how they make their living. Getting you business out there on the web in only the baby steps, there is so muchmore to it than that to have a site that produces for you.

good luck mate

Oh and don't be ashamed to use spell check, I am not too proud to admit that I couldn't string a sentance together without it.


Re: Is your website bringing in the business?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:47 pm
by kgequipment
Thank you very much.
I will be using some of your ideas. Black will be gone and a new web style. Again thank you for your time of looking and writting. I need to hear the truth.

KG Equipment

Re: Is your website bringing in the business?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:38 pm
by weldin mike 27
Hi there,

I spend alot of time on the net, and I have seen a lot of good sites and some poor ones. Just make it clear, simple and to the point. Make sure that everything (links) work. Nothing worse than a half assed attempt at a site (not meaning yours). Also if something changes, up date it on your site. I hate reading a wabsite and getting all excited then finding out its like 5 years out of date.


Re: Is your website bringing in the business?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:11 pm
by kgequipment
RE did the website. It has a new and improved look.

Re: Is your website bringing in the business?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:20 pm
by delraydella
It looks a lot better. The old site was too jumbled and cluttered. Big improvement!

Re: Is your website bringing in the business?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:49 am
by NT Unique

Thats the stuff, mate it's functional layout make me curious to look at all the sections. I found myself wandering through your site to look at all your products.
Now to get your web address everywhere!

Good work, wish I could get my site sorted that quick.


Re: Is your website bringing in the business?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:42 pm
by Ultralow787
I must have missed the original version, but the one you have up now looks good to me!
Lots of info and easy to navigate around.
Maybe some personal contact info would be good. Just a name and number.