This might be a lengthy and confusing question but I ask you to bare with me. So this question is incited due to an argument I had with my mom a couple minutes ago, most people would think it's a huge argument.... she's a thrower... But recently these arguments have become "normal". The argument regards my choices in life, couple of months ago I told my parents I wasn't planning to go ti a four year college/university even though I had the grades for it. Given the fact that I've attended private institutions my whole life this wasn't and still isn't easy news to bear for my parents. They say their money spent in all my education has gone down the shitter, I beg to differ because education stays with oneself and helps people understand complexity. You might ask why I want to work for my monthly check instead of sitting in an office with a degree in whatever? I understand no sane person would like to spend their time working manually for their cash but I've been around "the trades" since I could walk and a love/passion has grown in me. Now realistically speaking I wasn't working at the age of 3. My first official task for my dad's company (general contractor) would be installing drywall at the age of 13. I started out cleaning, setting up machines, putting them away, anything that needed to be done.I did. Then I proceeded to learn more about the trades, education, and overall life choices and the power we have to choose our paths. This is about the time when shit hit the fan and I ended up on a little island full of welding.
I've been taking a course at my local cc regarding welding in the SMAW process most of it has been a process of trial and error my instructor currently has me practicing my 3g 1inch Aws D1.1 test plates. The official class ended a month ago but they extended it due to some inconveniences at the start of the class and I'm going to optional classes as I'm trying to learn as much as I can. My dilemma lies in the fact that I'm 17 and I'll be graduating high school in a little over 5 months probably less and since I've chosen not to go to college I want to get involved with the trades. My parents have made it clear that I will be getting minimal support from them since I basically devastated their dreams by my decisions in life so I've been slowly incorporating more and more responsibility. Currently I pay my phone bill, paid for my phone, bus pass, shoes, iron my clothes up in the morning, and at times make myself food. I'm now realizing that I'm going to have to do something after high school which consists of either going to trade school and breaking into the welding world like that or start my way up on the bottom. I don't believe i'll have the financial resources to go through 2 years of trade school to become a entry to mid level worker "This program prepares the student for fabrication work, construction work, job shops and other entry to mid level related jobs." So my next bet is getting a job but I'm not sure if I should get a welding job or just any job to be able to pay for vo-tech school.
What would you guys do in my situation? I figured I'd ask the more experienced people in Life I have various ideas but some days I feel like doing this and other days I feel like doing that I'm indecisive and not getting support from my parents leaves me hanging?