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Quoting Prices

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:27 am
by Chilliepaste
What are the general guidelines for quoting a job for some one? I don't run a shop but when i am home off the road people always seem to have projects or ideas to build something and i have never had a good rule of thumb to price the work. Is there a rule of thumb?

Re: Quoting Prices

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:09 am
by Antorcha
Chilliepaste wrote:What are the general guidelines for quoting a job for some one? I don't run a shop but when i am home off the road people always seem to have projects or ideas to build something and i have never had a good rule of thumb to price the work. Is there a rule of thumb?
In Miami I charged $55/hr plus the steel.That was ten years ago so with a falling empire it may have actually gone down.
Here in Costa Rica I charge what works out to $23.60, plus steel.If the work is straight forward( simple columns or gates) you can do a flat fee that works out to considerably less/hr just to get the volume.It's better to work all day at $35/hr than to work just two hours at $55.....unless you're an old drunk like me who doesn't actually do it for the money.I do it for the love of it and a lil money is OK too. :mrgreen:

Re: Quoting Prices

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:10 pm
by Chilliepaste
Weld i am a young drunk i guess. People keep looking at me weird when i tell them a price like i was try to gouge them.
But if it takes 6 hours and i have to weld it in their living room it is not so simple. Oh well i guess my pricing is not so different from what i have read so i don't feel so bad.