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For all our members, a "Thank You".

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:29 pm
by Otto Nobedder
I've been reviewing the member rolls, and have been impressed.

When I joined in Jan 2011, I was #1003, and if you exclude the founder, Jody as "admin" (and "weldmonger" to protect his trademark), I was the 1001st new member. At that time, there were maybe ten regularly active members.

Even then, when participation was small, this was the best place on the web for welding information.

Today, as of this writing, we have 4609 members. While many just read (and I'm not digging through log-on data to see how many that really is, since you can read without logging on), we now have at least 100 people who participate weekly or more, and at least a hundred more who jump in occasionally, and our numbers are growing daily.

And it's still the best place on the web for welding information. Everyone sincerely wants to help where they can, nobody takes swipes at others' posts or pictures, and it's still a neighborhood of friends.

Jody's created something rare and special here, and I want to thank each of you for helping it to be the great place it is.

You guys ROCK!

Steve S

Re: For all our members, a "Thank You".

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:39 pm
by Wen

Thank You for your posts and expertise. I'm on this site two or three times a day, and I've learned a TON from the posts here. I don't post much as I'm still in learner mode.

There's a much different feeling on this site than other welding forums, not as much testosterone as other sites, and I appreciate that. I think I've watched every video that Jody has posted, and I have my very own Tig Finger out in the shop.

Again, thanks to you, Jody, and the other admins that keep this site up and running.

Re: For all our members, a "Thank You".

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:09 pm
by rick9345
also short time lokee loo

agree on the tone of this site as user friendly

never too old to learn


Re: For all our members, a "Thank You".

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:56 pm
by Ultralow787
I agree Steve. This place is special. I don't get on here as often recently, but the info is always solid. I tried a few other forums a while back, but it seemed like every other post had someone trying to put the poster down and puffing up their own chest.
People here genuinely want to help and are far more civil. Thanks for all you do as well to moderate this place.
I still love to receive Jody's weekly videos and everyone else I know that gets them has nothing but good things to say about them.

Re: For all our members, a "Thank You".

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:18 pm
by Flathead40
I have been watching the videos for a few years now. I just joined the forum a week ago.

I like the attitude and although I don't post much on forums I am looking forward to some shop talk, and helping someone if I can.

I'm an old guy I just might know something that may be helpful ;)

Re: For all our members, a "Thank You".

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:50 pm
This is a special site due to the membership. I am on this site at least once a day to stay current with all the new threads and information. It is nice to be a beginner and feel comfortable with posting questions without the fear of getting "flamed". I stay in touch with probably 6-8 sites for my other interests: diesel truck, snowmobiles, motorcycles and this is the most friendly and professional group by far. This site is an excellent example of what people can accomplish when they work together.
