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Cutting test coupons

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 6:04 am
by rickbreezy
The other day, I made a little mig aluminum coupon( I have been struggling), just 2 peices of flatbar put together to make a fillet weld. After I finished, I cut the coupon at the center of each weld with a portaband saw, and after inspection, I could see no cracks, holes or defects at all, which I know is not possible becuase I intentionally 2(out of 5) of the welds sucky. Perhaps the saw meshed the aluminum into the cracks and holes, anyone have a better method of cutting coupons(I dont have any of thaT powdery weld inspection stuff either)


Re: Cutting test coupons

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:28 pm
by admin
polish the cross section as shiny as you can with fine grit paper to get the saw marks out and then spray some purple power cleaner on it and leave alone for a minute. this will etch the surface and bring out the weld nugget as opposed to the base metal.

if the purple power is not strong enough, red devil lye mixed about 1 part to 10 with water will get it fizzing like alka seltzer. be ready to rinse.
wear some latex gloves and of course follow all the cautions on the label...bla bla...cya

good luck,

Jody aka Admin