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Experimenting with Low wire speed

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:52 am
by admin
Did a bit of mig welding and tried using a super low wire feed setting.
kinda knew what the results would be. Low wire speed kinda worked ok on a 11 ga outside corner.
Best to all,
Jody ... tings.html

Re: Experimenting with Low wire speed

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:47 pm
by Otto Nobedder

I, too, will back down WFS for outside corners.

I take a different tack on tee-joints, though. I would rather drop the voltage slightly (over recommended settings) than increase WFS, so my travel speed is familiar to that setting, while having the same effect on weld current.

On overhead, I take the opposite approach, increasing WFS until the weld is stable.

Many ways to skin this cat.

BTW, "Aluma-brite" makes an excellent etchant at a reasonable price. It's HCl acid based, and strong enough for stainless steel, as well.

Steve S