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Welding Career Advice for Young Welders

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 10:05 pm
by admin ... dvice.html

havent posted a welding video this week due to lots of sparring with my mac.
So I thought I would give an overview of my career along with some advice for young welders.
My best to all of you.



Re: Welding Career Advice for Young Welders

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:10 pm
by Metal_pig2001
Hi Jody

I am sure that others will agree but I would say that this was a great video even without any need to put a welding helmet on.

Great advice that applies to many situations. You never quite know what will result from taking advantage of opportunities, asking questions and paying attention.

Thanks for what you do


Ralph Price

Re: Welding Career Advice for Young Welders

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 1:49 am
by MosquitoMoto
Always worth watching, arc or no arc.

Made me think about my own career path and its twists and turns, and in particular the wisdom in just 'being a good person' when working with other people and the way that pays off for everyone concerned.

More gold, Jody. Thanks.


Re: Welding Career Advice for Young Welders

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:00 pm
by Ardan
I really enjoyed the video. Figuring out what you enjoy doing, such as working with your hands, building something, or fixing something can lead to a successful career that you can enjoy "most of the time". LOL :D Somedays it can be trying when things don't go right....
It is funny how life can have twists and turns that influence where we go and what we do.

Thanks for sharing! It helps to get to know you better.


Re: Welding Career Advice for Young Welders

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:23 am
by Arno
Great video :!:

Jody paints a good picture of how you can only 'plan' your future so far and that sometimes (radical) changes in direction can pop up on your path and also how people's interests and directions change over time as they get older and more experienced.

Like getting your driver's licence: Your initial schooling/training is just the basis for your further development. The latter bit is often just a lot less 'organised' than you're used to in school :roll:

Especially if you're natuarlly curious and like to 'know stuff' it's IMHO quite natural to start out in some field and then branch out into different (often somewhat related fields) if you're willing to embrace other options and paths to grow. Sometimes these branches can be painful if it means you have to break away from a comfortable but stagnant situation, but often it's worth it.

Doesn't matter if you're a welder, a plumber or an IT-geek (like me :geek: ), we all start somewhere and then look back several years down the line and think "well.. I did not expect that to happen, but I'm glad it did!"

Bye, Arno.