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Welding video Clips from 2015

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 9:49 am
by admin
tig, mig, and stick clips from 2015.
hope everyone is doing well,


Re: Welding video Clips from 2015

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 1:22 pm
by AKweldshop
As always, exceptional. :)

Re: Welding video Clips from 2015

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 9:23 am
by GWD
As always, I'd buy a DVD if they were method specific. That is, a DVD about stick, a different one about MIG, another about TIG...especially if they were over a string of years. I.E. "Stick welding 2010 - 2015". :idea:

It would take some editing, of course, but increased sales may justify the effort. Some of us out here don't use a variety of methods and, hence, much of the current DVDs are irrelevant.

Re: Welding video Clips from 2015

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 8:48 pm
by Otto Nobedder
That's not the first time this suggestion has come up. I've pressed it before, and I'll press it again, because I, too, think it's a great way to market. Some of us want to see it all. Some of us focus on a single process and could better benefit from process specific videos.

Steve S

Re: Welding video Clips from 2015

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 7:34 pm
by Otto Nobedder

This idea is now in the planning stages. I can't tell you when (or even with real certainty, "if") it will happen, but both Jody and the webmaster (his son) are taking a serious look at it.

Steve S

Re: Welding video Clips from 2015

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:38 am
by GWD
Thanks for the effort!!! Hope it works out.

I'll be the first in line for purchase.

And...including the videos that have a combo of processes (like a recent TIG/stick) would be fine on both DVDs. It might even help some of us to expand our skills after seeing a demo of the other process and how each can be enhanced.

Re: Welding video Clips from 2015

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 10:33 am
by DLewis0289
I would like to see EWI or someone like them jump on board with Welding Tips and Tricks.

I had a young kid that wanted to learn some pipe after work. First thing I did was show him how to prepare the pipe, the second thing I did was sit him in my office and watch Jody on You Tube demonstrating the 6010 open root on a 6G. Then we went to the shop. YouTube! It was extremely good information, produced well, narrated with phenomenal camera work FOR FREE!!!!

I don't think people recognize the amount of value that Welding Tips and Tricks is. Should be available in all welding educational facilities, but certainly not for free.

I should get permission to put the link on my business card, save me a lot of time writing it out whenever I tell someone, go here watch this guy and come see me tomorrow.