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    Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:01 pm

Been using a stick and flux wire for about 10 years. I am a total novice. All I want is for stuff to hold together. My welds are anything but nice looking. Decided to go to a local supply store and get bottle and start with C02. I have a HOBART 140, 120 volt system.
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    Mon Dec 18, 2017 7:49 am
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    San Jose / Kelseyville

Smokey9701 wrote:Been using a stick and flux wire for about 10 years. I am a total novice. All I want is for stuff to hold together. My welds are anything but nice looking. Decided to go to a local supply store and get bottle and start with C02. I have a HOBART 140, 120 volt system.

This did show up also, maybe this is the message you didn't think showed up.

Anyway, welcome!
Collector of old Iron!

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