Welcome to the community! Tell us about yourself, your welding interests, skills, specialties, equipment, etc.
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    Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:23 pm

How is everybody?
My name is Collin, I live in central Mississippi. I've had a Miller welder sitting in my dad's garage for a long time, never thought twice about it. About three years ago my uncles were building a trailer hitch mount/bumper and asked me if I wanted to have a go at the stick welder. Loved it! Started using the Miller mig sitting in the garage, loved it even more. It came in handy on this motorcycle project I have been working on. Don't know all the ends and outs of it yet. Recently got my hands on a Miller Diversion 180. Been doing a lot of practice runs on scrap aluminum, nice beads but know consistency. Can't figure out how to do edges without them melting. I have a few projects coming up where the tig is needed. Carbon steel exhaust pipe for the bike and a battery box. I'm sure this the place to hone on my skills. Good Day.
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Welcome to the forum.
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Welcome to the forum Collin.
M J Mauer Andover, Ohio

Linoln A/C 225
Everlast PA 200
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Welcome to the forum Collin.
Get some pics of your welds up, and we will try to give you some pointers. :)

Just a couple welders and a couple of big hammers and torches.

Men in dirty jeans built this country, while men in clean suits have destroyed it.
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Welcome to the forum! Get those pics up in the TIG section for us to see. I would focus on the flat welds and once you are comfortable with them, then try the edge welds. They just take a little more finesse that's all.
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    Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:23 pm

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. PIcs going up now. Thanks again
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