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    Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:19 pm

I have a lady friend whom I've known for 10 years. I'm a computer instructor at a tech college and she's taken many of my classes. As we like so many of the same things, 5 years ago we started hanging out together.

Recently we were shopping in Green Bay. I had a $35.00 gift card from Fleet Farm which I wanted to use up. While in Fleet Farm, we strolled over to the Hobart Stickmate LX 235AC/160DC which I always drool over and was gonna buy, sooner or later. I don't know how to weld and don't a "need" a welder. I just wanted a stick welder to play with. (So many say, "get a MIG", but the welding instructors at the tech college I teach at told me to get what ever I wanted, and just play with it. My neighbor is a maintenance supervisor and will give me welding lessons.) As we were about to move on, my friend plucked the little tag off the shelf for the Stickmate. I asked her what she was doing. She said "Happy Early Birthday". I almost fell over. (My birthday is in December.) Then to make things even nicer, as we were checking out and she was paying for the welder, the cashier told her, "you can save $44.49 (10%) on this purchase if you open a Fleet Farm credit card" (which she gladly did - but will never use). The Stickmate is $444.99 at Fleet Farm, but she paid only $400.49. During all this excitement, I completely forgot about the gift card I was gonna use up, so I gave it to her.

Last year, I got her a really nice 27 speed bicycle for her birthday. She's never had a bicycle and didn't know how to ride. I do a lot of road and mountain biking and wanted a riding buddy. I taught her to ride her new bicycle, and she just loves it. She said I took her from lipstick to crayons. We've enjoyed many miles on the near-by trails. I forgot to mention that we're both 65. She's blind in one eye, a cancer survivor, and her husband of 35 years passed away 10 years ago. Any one of these things would devastate most of us, but this woman has "true grit". (Just try welding, or driving, or riding a bicycle with one eye closed, for 10 minutes.) This welder will open up a whole new hobby for me, but what makes it so special is her thoughtfulness and inspiration.

I just had to share my experience with you all. The moral of the story is be extra nice to the love of your life. Not to get something from them, but just because they deserve it. Now I'd like to hear what role your "significant other" has played in your welding.

Dedicated to Sandra from Don <><
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    Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:35 pm

very nice. you are both lucky. and she must have been only 30 when that picture was taken.
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This is a old post, guys
Just a couple welders and a couple of big hammers and torches.

Men in dirty jeans built this country, while men in clean suits have destroyed it.
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the role my sigoth played in my welding? does cashing the paychecks count??
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