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My thumb burns

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 12:08 am
by Demented
Even after 18 years of welding, I'm still not smart enough to know to not touch metal right after a weld. :lol:

Just recently picked up an Everlast 250EX for building a Baja truck because as much was I wish I could stick weld it, I'm not too sure a stick welded 4130 roll cage will pass tech. Sold my Dynasty 200DX when I was 16 to buy a mill and a lathe and kinda always regretted that decision, but I've got a TIG again and couldn't be happier than a pig in shit. Ran maybe about 60 inches of practice weld tonight; 8 tungsten dips and about 50 inches of grey weld, I'm way more outa practice than I thought I'd be. Surprisingly my off hand is more steady and accurate than my strong hand. I apologize in advance as I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of stupid questions in the future.

And for those of you worried about a roll cage being welded, don't worry, I'm not jumping straight into welding that. Going to get a ton of practice in on things that are not designed to protect my life first.

Re: My thumb burns

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 8:47 am
by Antorcha
Give it a few more years. It takes the whole "trickle down" thang a while to get to FL.

Re: My thumb burns

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 11:06 am
by Mike
Welcome to the forum.