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Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:42 pm
by foamballer
Well... my first post (now referred to in the general media as "pukegate") was a little brief. And my second was just to try and clean up that little mess. And now... this is my 3rd post and time to introduce myself.

Firstly, let me say that I only just discovered this forum a couple of weeks ago, despite the fact that I'm an avid and long-time fan of Jody's videos. I'm introducing myself in the projects forum, mainly because I couldn't find anywhere else to do it, and secondly, its where I do most of my reading. Some great stuff here which I hope I can contribute to.

I live on the east coast of Australia. My introduction to welding came when I did work experience at school 30 years ago at a marine engineering place where I worked on a 70' steel hulled trawler and then went on to do part-time work after school there an at another fabricators. I was a stick welder then, but didn't continue in the industry. About 3 years ago I bought a TIG welder. Most of my work is aluminium now. These days I weld as a hobby, but occasionally it comes in useful for work (environmental sampling) - for example - making frames and sampling equipment or fixing trailers and boats.

Anyway - I'm looking forward to heaps of good project discussions. Unfortunately, most of my projects aren't photo-worthy, but I'll try and post a few occasionally.

- Mick

Re: introduction

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:59 pm
by Otto Nobedder

Isn't this fun?

Weldin mike 27 also goes by "Mick", and is in Austrailia...

Officially, Welcome!

Steve S

Re: introduction

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:47 pm
by weldin mike 27

Steve and other Steve and now Mick and other Mick. There is also lots of other Micks and Mikes in the list.

Mick S

Re: introduction

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:28 pm
by Goat Driver
Nice to meet ya Mick. See ya.

Re: introduction

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:44 pm
by Otto Nobedder
Pretty sure Goat Driver gave up on us, as we couldn't meet his standards for purity.

Damn shame, really.

Re: introduction

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:09 am
by foamballer
Otto Nobedder wrote:Pretty sure Goat Driver gave up on us, as we couldn't meet his standards for purity.

Damn shame, really.
thanks guys.
Yeah I gotta be more careful where I throw around the old carpet yawn these days, it seems to lead to all sorts of strife.

Re: introduction

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:44 am
by TamJeff
Welcome to the forum.