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Hello total amateur

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 1:24 pm
by Kilner
hello my name is jamie

im from the uk and its all ways been my passion to weld but with a limited amount of money and no one willing to take a risk on me and give me a job i have had to save my money and finally buy what i have always wanted

ive only had the tig welder around a week and have mainly been protracting on sheet aluminium im fairly happy with my progress on the aluminium ... e=5544E209 ... 2216a6e6f0

but ive been struggling to get a nice looking weld on the stainless sheet metal if i fusion weld the stainless it looks fairly nice but if i add filler rod it seems to contaminate the weld and just cant get a good weld so al little frustrated but i finally got this weld and my last attempt half done with filler other half just fusion still not happy with the filler attempts tho

this is the practice part first part of the long weld is with filler second part is fusion ... e=54FE1778 ... e=550044FF ... 7c96e30f35

thanks for reading and looking if you can offer me any advice that would be amazing i am using a 1.6 tungsten with a 1.6 filler i feel as tho the filler is to large to dip into the puddle and that is also causing me an issue

Re: Hello total amateur

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:07 am
by jwright650
Nice work for someone who is new to welding. You will do well if you have caught on this fast already.

Re: Hello total amateur

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:36 am
by Mike
Welcome to the forum Jamie.

Re: Hello total amateur

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:44 am
by xwrench
Welcome Jamie :D

Re:Hi their JAMIE

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 11:26 am
by sigfreed14
Your welds looked good to me . I would be willing to give you , on the job training any time . I think you will make a fine welder .Ok so you might need to fine tune your skills some. tig takes some time to learn. go for it.

Re: Hello total amateur

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:28 pm
by Kilner
thank you for the warm welcome and the positive responses you have given me

i will continue to practice and test difrent things and also work on my consistency as its no good doin one good weld out of 20 attempts but im sure before long i will have it nailed

thanks again and i will post some updates in the tig forum on my progress in a couple of weeks

thanks again :D