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new guy from FL

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:04 pm
by dunkster
Hello everyone, long time lurker here. Finally decided to join after banging my head 1 too many times over AL tig process.

Laid my first beads some 33 yrs ago with a Linclon buzzbox at age 13 after being fascinated seeing what a little juice and skill could turn an 1/8" rod of steel into. Wound up welding pre-fab HVAC after high school for 12 yrs or so, along with a little structure, picking up a 6g and 6gr in mig along the way before settling into machine work. Currently, I'm just a weekend warrior when it comes to welding. I've had a Miller Synchro 350 for a while now and figured it's time to get some help with this aluminum. I've done the stackin' drill and have made improvements there, but something is just not translating over to where and when I need it most.

Glad to be part of the group and hope I can contribute at some point.
A big thanks to Jody for all his videos, as they've helped out considerably.


Re: new guy from FL

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:51 am
by motox
welcome aboard
if you post some photos along with your settings
and step up I'm sure some of the great aluminum
welders here can be a great help to you.

Re: new guy from FL

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:20 am
by Mike
Junior welcome to the forum.

Re: new guy from FL

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:15 pm
by dunkster
Thanks guys.

Will throw some pics up, along with my issues, in a new thread soon as I can take them. Didn't want any good advice to get buried in an introduction thread.