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coupon test bender

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:34 am
by snowman6058
Hi Everyone,
First I would like to thank
Jody for the weld test stand website. My company let me buy 2 of them. I need some more big help trying to build a welding training center. The D15 railroad 3/8" plate by 1 1/2" wide 6" long test I need to find a Very Updated machine that is made for that. All safety aspects and all. We have a contraption made from the EARLY 1900's that is what we are suppose to use. Mind you that I work for the railroad and NOBODY has approved any other type of bender than an old rusty homemade piece of!!! SSSSTTTTUUUUFFFF!!! :) Show me some pics and what kind of presses that I can get them KNUCKLEHEADS to approve :lol: I got some shirts from Jody and he sent me a sticker to put on my helmet and boy did that start some pushing and shoving :D :idea: They are going to check this site out now :o I need help and I know that is what we are here for. If I can help in any way... I will....You will see if I know something I will just give my oppinion if I can help...Thank you all 8-)
snowman ;)

Re: coupon test bender

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:50 am
by snowman6058
Now if I wasn't very clear.... I don't just need the bender... I need the top and bottom pieces and all that is made from a manufacture to due JUST THAT. They will not let me make one even though I fabricate everything else....Nowadays it is called Liability if we make something and it hurts someone. I also have my students make a fillet weld on oneside and have to break it and show them whether their penetration is even or not. Help me talk these prehistoric company to get a real safe machine...simple...not too expensive but is made for that. I asked hobart and lincoln school and they never answered me on what they use.
thanks everyone.


Re: coupon test bender

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:13 pm
by Ultralow787
I am trying to set up a training shop as well and I am in the same boat as you!
I can show you pictures (if I knew how to post em!) of the one at Lincoln Electric and the ones I have seen in other training centers.

Usually a 30 Ton shop press will do the job. You may have to modify the set-up slightly to include safety cage doors on the front, but other than that it is ready to go. Most of them require a compressed air connection to compress the hydraulic fluid. The consumption is very small on this application.

Re: coupon test bender

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:39 am
by TheExpert
Hey, this was very informative to me.