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Welding Schools prerequisites?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:21 pm
by CBPayne
What is the method of learning how to weld good/great/professional, get a job doing it that pays better than the dead end job I have now? All the local community colleges require prerequisites, and I didn't do so hot in those classes. So for me to be able to go to welding and cutting classes I would have to go back and basically start college all over. PITA! and more than I can afford at $11 hour. I will do it if that's the only way, but personally I don't think speech should be a requirement to weld professional.

Re: Welding Schools prerequisites?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:06 pm
by Otto Nobedder
First, grill them about "continuing education", classes for grown-ass adults not seeking a degree. All you need is the training and the documentation you took the training.

Then, look at vocational-techincal schools, and ask about the same program.

Barring that, check with a local union hall (pipefitters, boilermakers, etc.) about apprenticeship opportunities (They'll take your dead-end experience in account, and test you, so you may place ahead of '1st year apprentice'."

Keep an eye on the online classifieds (print classifieds cater to the low-skilled, mostly, these days) for a "will train" job.

Just some thoughts.

Steve S

Re: Welding Schools prerequisites?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:30 pm
by Wes917
Here at the community colleges there are no "official" prerequisites for the weld classes other than a safety course, and I didn't do those when I took classes either. Same for Lincoln no prerequisites to take their week long courses. If your not going for the degree, just the experience you should be able to jump right in, just talk to a counselor and I'm sure they'll set you up.

Re: Welding Schools prerequisites?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:36 pm
Damn I just learned something didn't realize they would test you to see if your past a first year if you have "dead end experience " learn something new everyday I'm headed out to pa in two months to scout things out going to apply for apprenticeship in iron workers union

Re: Welding Schools prerequisites?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:28 am
by CBPayne
A iron workers union is the only one I can find near by and I have yet to find a trade school yet. I'm going to ask around, I know a couple of folks they may know. If I have time today I'm going to go ask about the training with no degree, if not Monday. Thanks for the info.