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any tips for me

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:55 pm
by adrian
hey guys,i'm a newbie to welding and i have a welding test nextweek to see if i'll get the job,to work on barges/boats.
it'll be vertical and horizontal positions, 1inch plate i think. not sure wat it'll be. do u have any tips for me in vertical up.
i always tend to get plenty inclusions,porosity

Re: any tips for me

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:26 pm
by weldmaster36602
well will it be a open butt or will it b a tape test either way u are probably gonna have to pass an ultrasound after visual and neither of witch is phorosity going to cut it keep your nossel close and prob 3/4 of an in stick out on your wire make sure that your gas is turned all the way up and it isnt being blown away by the wind 1" plate certify u to weld unlimited thikness plate you are going to have to let it cool after abou six r seven passes to let it cool on your vertical because it is pretty thick plate and you said there was an overhead well wasnt thinkin it gonna b an open but cant tape weld overhead depending on your qc as to the gap or land in the plate do not stop and start move all the way from one end of plate to the other and make sure u are getting gas and u will be fine