Stick Welding Tips, Certification tests, machines, projects
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    Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:28 pm

I would appreciate some help and advice, 1/8'' 7018
1. when z weaving, I know you're suppose to wait till the edges fill in, but should you wait until the whole puddle is in the edge where you pause, or the edges should fill in while the puddle is moving across the middle.
2. When going vertical up should you see a little penetration into the metal ahead of the puddle going up the joint.
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    Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:37 am

The whole puddle,doesn't come to the edges. When you pause on the edges, the burning rods deposit fills in the edges filling the under cut. The puddle takes care of the middle. You just worry about pausing at the outer edges to fill the undercut and flatten the toes of the bead washing it into the base metal.
As you travel up, you will see a crater forming from your arc which gets filled by your deposited bead. That's where you see the penetration visually.
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WHat you ask about will be addressed at
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The only thing I'll say is get someone to watch while you weld and correct your angle.Remember. Even uphill it's STILL a drag technique ! You cant shove a rope uphill
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