I recently attended my first day of welding training (had not picked up a welder before in my life) and loved it
I did stick welding first with 6013 (might have been 6011, mind is a little fuzzy) and 7018 electrodes.
I first of all welded up a small plate of steel to get the hang of it then did a 3 pass fillet weld in flat position followed by a vertical up cap over the fillet (using 7018 electrodes)
here are some pics of the pad welds for interests sake, would love to hear any criticism and suggestions

anyhow, back to the point, when i was doing the fillet welding and capping etc, my instructor told me to add a very slight weave between the plates, and then when doing the 2nd and third pass, to put a slight weave again from halfway on the root pass down to the plate and so on
i assumed this was just the way it was done but I've read now that some don't weave at all when laying these welds until they get to the cap weld over the top of the lot of them. My question is, when doing a straight 'stringer' bead are people actually weaving slightly between the plates or the plate and the root pass, but not enough to consider it a 'weave' bead? or is there actually zero electrode manipulation and the electrode is just held at the point where the plates form a corner, or for the later passes where the first bead meets the plate?
By the time I was up to the fillet weld my welds were looking much smoother and the ripples closer together than on the pad weld above, and they said I did a great job on the vertical up cap weld as well using an inverted U weaving technique pausing at each side
this is of course something I should be asking my instructor but I'm not in for a couple of days and very curious

I suppose a more mundane and individual question is, the biggest problem I had while making long welds was I would get to a point where i'd have to reposition and at that point consistently the electrode would get out of control slightly and poke up or down from the border of the bead. is the common practice to break the arc clean the slag and start again when you have to reposition? i found this a problem in the flat position, but not in the vertical up
anyway I had a great time welding cant wait to get back to it. they said I did well for someone who's never had a welder before and that made me pretty proud, they also said I may be able to do a 3g vertical up test on a butt join by the end of my 2nd day
thanks in advance