Stick Welding Tips, Certification tests, machines, projects
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    Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:03 pm

I've been using my cheap 110a 230v stick for 10 years now its a harbor freight unit but now the insulation has started peeling so time to replace wires. Power was replaced by same spec. wire as new torch and ground was upgraded a bit to 600v AWG2, lowes did not carry original gauge wire. Rewire was started inside unit cut back to before original butt joint connector, new butt joint connectors were used. Leads are same length 8ft. ea. Now I am only producing a very weak ARC not even strong enough to start weld with any size rod that I was using in past. Any thoughts?
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Did you use real "welding" cable, or just some stranded THHN from Lowes? If you used plain ol' THHN stranded, I'm guessing you might not be getting enough compression in the crimp connectors, or the screw connections in the electrode holder and ground clamp to carry the welding current. In addition to being very flexible, welding cable with its many fine conductors allows for good compression and contact with the set screw type connections used in many electrode holders and ground clamps.

If that ain't it, give us some pics to look at. We'll get it sorted out for you. Good crowd of folks here.

Welcome to the forum,
Miller Bobcat 225
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Welcome to the forum.
M J Mauer Andover, Ohio

Linoln A/C 225
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    Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:03 pm

I knew I messed up upon returning home and feeling wire for first time, I had mentioned to Lowes associate that the wire would be used for welding but after wiring it up it would have been like trying to weld with an elephants trunk. I ordered 2awg welding cable class M this morning. Thank you for response.
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Yeah, when you said 600V, that clued me in. Glad I could help. Let us know how the restoration project turns out.

Miller Bobcat 225
Tweco Fabricator 211i
AHP AlphaTIG 200x
Lincoln SP-135+
Hypertherm Powermax 30 Air
ProStar O/A torch
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    Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:03 pm

Now I'm at a loss. I switched out the new old wire with class M 2awg welding wire and still have the same weak arc. I should mention I used the welder just prior to rewiring and worked fine. I enclosed photo of butt connectors used they are aluminum.
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