Stick Welding Tips, Certification tests, machines, projects
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    Sun Dec 21, 2014 7:11 pm

Hey guys! I have to do a couple of repairs on some cast iron parts, and I just wanted to know what stainless steel stick electrode would work the best for my application? I'm welding a couple of spindles for the front end suspension on an older Honda. Any feed back appreciated, thanks.
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Personally, I would not attempt this unless it were my own car. The liability issues are too great.

I would expect the parts in question are cast steel, not cast iron, and probably of a reasonably good quality alloy considering their use.

I would not use a SS rod in such a critical application. The shrinkage of cooling stainless will induce stress in the HAZ of the weld that peening will not completely resolve. Even preheat will only do so much, as the alloys behave so differently.

IF it were my car, and IF I were to attempt it, I'd probably choose a Ni-55 rod, and pre-heat in the neighborhood of 450-500*F, with a plan in place for a slow cool as though it were cast iron.

I have the advantage of a few "U-pull-it" boneyards around me, and replacement would be my first choice.

Steve S
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    Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:03 am

Buy a new spindle assembly. I can't see welding suspension components, sounds like an accident waiting to happen. Then again I'm lazy.
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