Stick Welding Tips, Certification tests, machines, projects
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    Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:39 pm

I know vertical welding is hard but are there any pointers out there?

All my welds look like a candle........all bumpy and running down hill !!!
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When you've got things right, you may well come to believe it's easier than downhand welding (ie flat). However, you'd best say what the circumstances are eg:

1. Thickness and type of metal (I assume low carbon mild steel).
2. What type of joint
3. What joint preparation (eg is it an open root, if so, root face and gap measurements)
4. What type of rod are you using and what size is it
5. What type of current (AC, DC+, DC-)
6. Current setting
7. What type of welder are you using.
8. What's your procedure - stringer, weave, how many passes etc

I'm sure if you come back with that info, you'll be well on the way to getting some cracking advice to set you right.

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I mentioned this on another thread but check out Jody's videos on the subject.

MIG is not that much different than stick when doing vertical welding (IMHO).
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    Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:00 am

7018 for me,vertical welding a tight joint is no problem,but if is a poor fit with gaps it gives me fits.1/8 inch electrodes usually on structural steel.Whats the trick?
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