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Test plate question, all positions.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 8:52 pm
by Skillets365
When I do a hot pass with 7018, do I need to get every bit of slag out before I lay my fillers? Or can I get a most of it out and burn the rest out?

Also, any other tips would be well appreciated?

Thanks for all the feed back !!!!

Re: Test plate question, all positions.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:02 pm
by Superiorwelding
I would advise to get it all out always even if it is a weld that "does not matter". Once you get into the habit of not chipping of removing all the slag it will be hard to break. For a test it is not worth the risk of trying just to burn it all out. Is it possible to burn it out, yes, is it worth it, no. Know that you will/can fail a test if you have a inclusion. This inclusion, if found in the section to be bent, can or will cause a crack when bent. If it is x-ray you will fail, depending on how much inclusion is allowed. If you are allowed use a wire wheel on a grinder, if not use a file or sharp chipping hammer to scrape it all out. It can be a job in itself to remove but get it all out.

Re: Test plate question, all positions.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:15 am
by Shield Arc
Back in my testing days. I always carried in my bucket a flashlight, awl, small chisel, and small ball peen hammer. On structural tests generally you are allowed to use a power wire wheel. But never once was I allowed to use a grinder. On pipe tests I was allowed to use a grinder.