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New to welding hepl please

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:27 pm
by Mike
Good day all.
I am new to welding would like some advise.
I have a Lincoln 225 buzz box A/C only.
I have a 50 pound box of 6011 1/8 rod.
The welder was set to 90 amps when I got it I left it there as this was the rod the last owner ran.
I need help to figure how to go about practicing.
With a full length rod I'm all over the place not able to start were I want.
Should i be starting by just running a series of dots or a series of beads.
Is there better rod to learn with?
Any and all help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance Mike in Andover, Ohio

Re: New to welding hepl please

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:13 pm
by kermdawg
First of all, make sure you got a decent size piece of at least 1/8" thick steel. It can be angle, flat stock, really doesnt matter.

Secondly, be sure the metal is CLEAN!!!! Cannot emphasize the clean part enough, especially with an ac arc welder. Reason being, the dirtier the metal is, the harder its going to be to start and maintain and arc. And if you cant do that, your just going to get frustrated and quit. When I mean clean, i mean take a wire wheel on a grinder and grind the metal until it is shiny and not black.

Your settings are about right for that machine. Again, at least on my machine, its get an arc started, but mines probably 15-20 years old. Be sure your ground clamp is still springy and tight so you get a good connection to your work. Thing about these machines (at least mine) is their a real bitch to weld with when you first start em up. Burn about 5 rods and they run like a champ though.

What you want to do to practice is just burn rod. Practice running a consistant bead with a stepping motion, i.e. get a puddle going, then step forward about 1/4" and let the puddle come back. There plenty of videos on this site and the internet that can show you that part. Run the beads every way you can think of. I wrote my name on a piece of angle.

Things to look for/practice -Maintaining a consistant arc length of about 1/8" or closer. Burnthrough-You'll know it when ya see it, comes from too much heat or keepin your rod in one place for too long. Count "one one thousand" in your head and then move your 1/4" or so to help you get that profile down.

Good luck and dont give up bro. It can be real frustrating at first, but once you get the hang of it it is incredibly fun.

Re: New to welding hepl please

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:41 pm
by Mike
Thanks kermdawg.

Re: New to welding hepl please

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:56 pm
by kermdawg
No prob man. Keep us posted :) And have fun man.

edit-Just a thought, how old is that rod your usin? If its over a year old or subject to really wet or humid conditions, you'll probably need to get some fresh rod. It's not as big a problem as it is with 7018(which you need to keep in an airtight container), but if you get little globulettes of metal on your workpiece after you run a bead, and turn down your amps by about 10. If you get the same problem, your rod has to much moisture in it and should be either dryed or replaced. Easier just to replace it, but if you got 50 pounds of it you might want to try and save it. To do that you need to dry it out with either a rod oven, or your personal oven in your house(which I dont endorse because I dont know how to do it, but if you ask on the forums someone else might)

Re: New to welding hepl please

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:30 pm
by bshamblin
cutting the rods in half might be easier at first.

6013 and 7014 might be easier to learn on

Re: New to welding hepl please

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:36 pm
by bshamblin
also you didnt mention if you had an autodark helmit. this might make learning easier, being able to see really well as you line everything up.

Re: New to welding hepl please

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:09 am
by Sarge use both hands. Just sayin... ;)

Re: New to welding hepl please

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:44 pm
by Mike
Yes I have a auto darkening hood.

And use both hands.

Don't want to cut rods in half but thanks to all.

Happy new year.

Later Mike