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Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 5:14 pm
by BooRadley
Hi. Looking for recommendations for a really decent helmet (complete) for under 100 dollars. It would be used for pipe welding (oil field). I'm a woman and my head is smaller than most guys, so it has to ratchet down.

I saw the white 'Pipeliner' today that is so popular. I may end up getting that one, but I want to look at many that are quite suitable for oil field stick welding before settling on one. So please, give me your suggestions.

Also, and of you who have worked in oil field sticking pipe, would you say that an auto-darkening helmet would be more helpful or hurtful out there? (I tried tigging once with an auto darkening helmet, and nearly went blind.)


Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:58 pm
by kermdawg
I like the pipeliner with the flip down lense myself, and I plan to buy one one of these days. But I was reading one of the other forums on here and found this thread you might find interest in. Hope it helps- ... 3208#p3208

Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:14 pm
by BooRadley
Thanks for your reply. :)

I saw that thread earlier. Woo, 350 dollars for a helmet...nope, not interested. Thanks anyways.

Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:18 pm
by rickbreezy
I am a complete believer in metalman sheilds: . However they are a bit large and i wonder if this would interfere with you ability to fit into small spaces........... The average one costs about 100 bucks, and they work great!

Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:26 am
by Sarge
For a NON-autodarkening hood, I prefer the old reliable Huntsman 951P. It is narrow and does not weigh a ton. The lens is vertical also to make it easy to look further down without moving your head. It has detents to hold the hood open as well. If I did not need the auto darkening hood, I would still be using mine more. I love the gold lens and I miss it on my auto hood.

Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:12 pm
by martinr
Since others have already mentioned non-autodarkening helmets, I thought I'd throw in my thoughts. When it finally dawned on me that many of the problems I was having getting a decent weld were caused by the autodarkening technology, I went back to my old-fashioned smoked-glass-filter helmet. I was amazed how much clearer everything appears and also it's in colour: I could see the different shades and intensities of red. To help, I've attached a powerful small LED torch - the type usually on a headband - to the helmet so I can see the workpiece and electrode {before striking up) even with the flip screen down.

Since then I've tried the top-of-the-range ESAB colour autodarkening helmet and I still wouldn't swap my helmet for it. My welding suppliers have also told me that they've had other customers who don't like the way the autodarkening helmets reduce the clarity of vision and similarly prefer the smoke-glass filters.

I don't want to put you off but because those autodarkening helmets are so expensive and potentially disappointing, see if you can try before you buy - I managed to try the ESAB helmet at a welding exhibition, so I could try it for real. Just as well, as it would have been too easy to assume that because it was so expensive it was bound to be good. Well, maybe for some people, but not for me.

Good luck with your choice.


Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:27 pm
by kermdawg
My welding instructor told me a story one time-

He knew this guy, been welding for 10 years or so. Good hand, good welder. Used one of those auto-darks all the time, loved it. Made good welds. One day, his helmet broke and he had to use a flip down old school one. Instantly, his skills went to hell. Couldn't make a weld to save his life. Never had to flip down his helmet before, and everytime he did he would strike up in the wrong spot. Finally gave up and went home for the day, went and bought a new auto-dark.

So my welding instructor always told us to use a traditional hood. I always have, I spose I always will, mainly cause their hundreds of dollars cheaper. The auto-darks do have their uses though, I'm not gonna lie. But I'd let the company buy em if it was me.

And for arguments sake- I use my 20 dollar lincoln helmet with the bigger lense. Already had to fix it twice, had it for a year or so. Uncomfertable as hell. But Imma wear it till I cant fix it no more :p Works just fine for stick and tig too.

Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:12 pm
by Sarge
I have a Halo-x with a Boss lens.... loved it! But it still can't touch the visual clarity of my flip down with the Gold lens. Just sayin... and it is all about what you are used to.

Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:39 pm
by kermdawg
I heard those gold lenses are pretty bitchin. Is it -that- much better than havin just a regular lense?

Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:29 am
by Sarge
I would never go back to a smoke lens after going for the gold! Glare is so much reduced. It is "THE Shiznet" for non- auto helmets!!! You can see soooo much better! Makes the color more natural also. I "Triple dog dare ya" to try one. You won't be disappointed.

Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:06 pm
by kermdawg
Imma pick one up now :) Any brand recommendations or are they all pretty much the same?

Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:01 pm
by Sarge
Not sure I have ever noticed a brand name on mine.

Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:51 pm
by 4m welder
If you do decide on an auto dark, its an investment if you are a serious welder. I've had my jackson for 7 yrs now...paid 300 then..i only got one set of eyes. And gold is good

Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:23 pm
by rickbreezy
I also started out using a (non-auto)passive sheild. After years of using nothing but auto darkening, i was surprised to use a passive again and see the difference in clarity and definition. For a pipe welder, this might be key. Auto darkening sheilds though, cant be beat for their ability to speed up the productive process, when fine a+ quality welds are not needed.

That in mind, a pipe welder might want a passive sheild, particularley one with a large face plate.


Re: Best helmet, pipe welding, under $100?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:58 pm
by genesis
For what it's worth, watch this video on welding helmets. If you're interested in the cheap one he tested, click here: ... _200311850

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