Was stuck in the shop waiting for deliveries. Got sick of doing paperwork so went into the shop and knocked up a third hand from scrap. The 1/4" round came from a mop squeezer already bent to perfect shape, just had to cut it to length. All three points got aluminium bronzed to eliminate sparking.
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Deliveries came, too late to go back to site and I missed lunch so what would do you think an aussie joker would do about that?
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Ah Queensland, beautiful one day, perfect the next.
Wall thikness dosent efect on the strenght of the pipe, only material and outside diameter. You can apply the same force in pipe or axle... until there is a litle dent in the pipe.
i have made controllarms for race cars with 0.8mm wall thikness pipe, material 4130. Worked great. Cant take any dents, but is same for the stiffness than hevier wall pipe.
Thats true that the longevity of the part goes down with thin wall, but dosent effect the torsional stiffness much. Not problem @ racing (cars.. bikes..)
Yeah! We got our ASME "R" stamp qual yesterday. This li'l root pass was enough to send the fire marshal and board inspectors over the edge. I then went to lunch with them and the bosses and stuffed myself full. Great bunch of folk.
It'll be 3-4 weeks before we have our certificate and stamp, but code work can proceed.
Thanks, guys! I have one procedure and test left... One vessel in the queue is aluminum, so I have to qualify separately, and qualify a separate procedure.
Some p91 field weld OD prep for phaser ray this is a power house main steam line. The system runs at 1950 degrees at 2400 psi. The weld shot good time for drinks!