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Hi. I am struggling with feeding rod. I understand the "standard" method of using the first two fingers to advance the rod, but I have seen two of Jody's videos where I can only see the thumb moving. In these videos it looks to me like it is the thumb that is advancing the rod. One of these videos is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuLSZpEt5LU At about 5:30 and about 5:55 it looks like Roy is advancing the rod with his thumb. I don't see his his first two fingers really moving much at all. I've seen a video of Jody feeding rod in the same way, where all you see is the thumb moving. (I don't recall which video this was). I have tried to duplicate this method, but I can't make it work.

Is there a way to feed rod using only the thumb (as it appears in these videos), or am I wrong and
the rod is in fact being advanced by pinching it between the first two fingers and advancing it that way?

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You're not wrong. There are several different ways to do it. That method is harder to learn but provides more control and a more uniform bead profile. It's more uniform because you are feeding the rod straight into the puddle while maintaining a fixed position with your arm. When feeding with your fingers the rod swings out in an arc and slightly dances across the puddle, resulting in a more eratic/jagged bead profile. I have two funky wrists and the thumb method is doable for me but causes moderate discomfort in my wrists. Your choice in gloves can make or break the feeding method as well. If they grab the rod too much then the rod is just gonna stay stuck in place. If they're too slick it will make the rod hard to push. Go to your LWS and try on different types of gloves and see which ones suit you best when trying to feed using different techniques. Any store that wants your business will happily accommodate you in this regard. Different joints and positions sometimes necessitate one feed method over another. My personal preference in tig gloves is Black Stallion Tigster.
Everlast PowerTIG 255EXT
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as i got more comfortable, i use more thumb and less any other fingers... can feed pretty quickly and consistently now, in most positions i am welding in...
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This had me stumped for ages.

I watched the videos, scratched my head, then practised. A lot. I was carrying Tig filler around with me just about everywhere, 'feeding rod' as I read books, watched TV, whatever.

Eventually I simply decided that everyone is different and I developed my own style. My thumb provides most of the push, with the rear section of the rod balanced between by thumb and forefinger. The 'front end' of the rod is balanced between my pinky and my ring finger.

It probably sounds a bit whacko but I'm very used to it now, it's stable, feels natural and can keep up even with fast aluminium feed.

Do what works for you!

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Feeding rod...what is that? I strive to get all my tig welds to be beautiful and when I try to feed rod, I get all shaky and screw up my bead trying to get the rod back in the puddle so I work around feeding rod. I set myself up in a position where I can do the longest bead possible and then I just simply stop, re-position and re-start. I know my method doesn't work for things like pipe welding but I don't do much pipe or anything longer than a 5 or 6 inch bead anyway. Interestingly enough, I notice other peoples welds and I see lots of starts/stops in my obsevations. Must be other like me that find no shame in stopping/starting.
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If I want it to be really pretty then I choke back on the rod and feed it till it runs out, stop and restart too. My tie-ins aren't always spot on though.
Everlast PowerTIG 255EXT
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Thanks for the replies. I guess the fact that my left wrist (I'm right-handed) is full of screws and pins from a bad accident doesn't help. Jody says that feeding rod is the last thing that gets "learnt" when tig welding. I'll follow you-all's advice and see where it ends up. It is something that I want to get good at though.
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    Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:56 pm

IamGroot wrote:Thanks for the replies. I guess the fact that my left wrist (I'm right-handed) is full of screws and pins from a bad accident doesn't help. Jody says that feeding rod is the last thing that gets "learnt" when tig welding. I'll follow you-all's advice and see where it ends up. It is something that I want to get good at though.
i am right handed... i feed mostly with my right hand and control the torch with my left... although i can switch... i typically am feeding the rod with my right hand...
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