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Correction when only wrong size filler rod available

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:06 pm
by Zondfive
As a musician I got so I could make a really inferior instrument sound good. I have no idea how I did it but I could tell. There were corrections I made that somehow made up for the deficiencies of the instrument.
I am certain such is the case if you are stuck with a particular size of rod that is too large.
If anyone can share this info I would appreciate it. I have a considerable amount of 1/8 inconel rod and using it would be a real treat. There have to be approaches others have used to pull stuff like this off. This will never be used where life threatening results could come to pass such as vehicular. This is by no means a commercial situation. Just private, but came across the material almost as a gift, and lots of it. Any thoughts would be welcome. Thanks.

Re: Correction when only wrong size filler rod available

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:31 pm
by cj737
Reduce your dip and increase your travel to spread more of the filler out along the bead. If you are looking for applications to use the product, I have no good input. But I have found myself with 1/8 70-S2 plenty of times when I needed 1/16 and made it work out fine.

Re: Correction when only wrong size filler rod available

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:24 pm
by Poland308
Sometimes I sort of roll or spin the filler if it's oversized as I feed it.