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My first time attempting to Walk-Da-Cup (big photo)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:13 am
by jason.hwnd
A big thanks to Jody for the initial understanding:

I took a great deal of info from here: (the section with the cap walking hit it home for me)

I grabbed a piece of steel bar that I was dicking off with about a year ago (I never throw scrap metal away).
This is a piece of 90* - we are looking at the back-side of the V (apex). Disregard the blobs of filler (testing out Jody's `speed tacking` on 3/8" stainless)

Anyhow, I found it pretty hard to walk in a straight line but i think the cap-demo will honestly give me something to practice with (or even a coke can).

Here are the photos:


Using a Miller Aerowave, 125amp (was on / off the pedal from 60% - 75%) with WP-225 torch (using the 0* head)

Re: My first time attempting to Walk-Da-Cup (big photo)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:41 am
by kermdawg
Looks like your cup is gettin pretty chewed up. Might wanna get some of those ceramic ones. I dont know if those clear ones will stand up to the heat.

Re: My first time attempting to Walk-Da-Cup (big photo)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:35 pm
by jason.hwnd
No way, the glass/clear cups spoil me.

I highly doubt I do anything that would require me to change cups.
though, im going to grab the ck version and tig torch and see how I like it.
the ep doesn't stay cool enough.

Re: My first time attempting to Walk-Da-Cup (big photo)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:40 pm
by jason.hwnd
I scribbled a line drawing me a path to follow with the tungsten - that really helped making it straight.

I've not tried to walk on pipe or something hard yet.. i suspect that'll be the next challenge.

Re: My first time attempting to Walk-Da-Cup (big photo)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:08 pm
by kermdawg
Ive kinda whent the opposite path from ya, the only time I've ever walked the cup is with pipe. Its alot easier to see what your doin, but that cap pass takes some gettin used too.

Re: My first time attempting to Walk-Da-Cup (big photo)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:19 pm
by karlevo8
looks good for first attemp if ive not done it for a few weeks about a straight as mine ,it defo takes practice but when its right does look nice

Re: My first time attempting to Walk-Da-Cup (big photo)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:46 pm
by jason.hwnd
Here is some stupid huge images..
Something I tried tonight on the Aerowave.
