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Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 8:58 am
by entity-unknown
I joined a few years ago and had tons of questions and thoughts. Ya'll were there to support me and I think I paid some of the support forward with other replies to other n00bs in my boots at the time :)

So it's been a long time but I'm not a pro welder nor have many welding projects. I'm currently upgrading my Bronco's suspension and had to do some welding finally! Well I'm still not a pro, but I think I did good enough AND I'm pretty sure the frame will break before my welds do :)

So again, thank you all cuz I wouldn't have been able nor have the confidence to do this if it weren't for Jody and all ya'lls help!

Re: Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 1:37 pm
by trainingGrounds
Looks cool. Hey I'd be interested in seeing more of the welds and see if I or others can't give any pointers. If you're interested.

Looking at this weld here it appears that there is some undercut. Now I don't know much about being a mechanic and upgrading suspensions but if this was being put through some impact stress, it's possible those undercut areas might be a weak area for that kind of stress. I could be wrong since I know very little about what I am looking at in terms of mechanics but I want to throw it out there.

Re: Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 2:23 pm
by entity-unknown
I can get a few more since I don't mind the critique :) It's done so there really isn't much goin back either.

I can identify a lot of issues all around but it was all the skills ya'll taught me to see where I failed and how I could improve as I went along/future. I've learned enough and seen enough to know that this won't kill me too because the root is fully welded, my HAZ is decent, and my failures overall are more presentation/consistency vs. penetration/weld. There's plenty of cut on the brace plate but not too much/deep in the frame which should be good because it's also bolted in and I figure it's better to steal from the outer plate than the frame as I fill/tie things in. There was also some very wide gaps I had to "figure out"..... I know I have some stress points in the frame but I did do a quick "wash" all around to even out the heat stress and of course hide some blemishes along the way.

So that's my thoughts so far and yeah I'll get some pix cuz it'll help me and it'll help others sinceI'm not the first idiot with a torch that knew enough to be dangerous doin a real world welding application ;)

Re: Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 4:47 pm
by trainingGrounds
Hey sounds good. I thought it might be more superficial like you are saying. So I'm glad you are confident of it overall.

Re: Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 1:34 pm
by entity-unknown
It's almost 1 year since I did this and it's still holding up with no cracks! I feel less scared to share these original weld photos now :D
I get to do some more welding today too...

To the original point, this was my third real weld project and a life critical weld project at that. It's held strong and I've beaten on it and no problems! I'm not for hire cuz I wouldn't qualify BUT for my own needs, I'm happy with the results so truly thank you all for gettin me here :)

Re: Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 1:46 pm
by entity-unknown
Here's a shot almost 1 year later after a few light trails and still figuring the suspension out. Welds are still holding with no cracks tho, that's all that matters ;)

Re: Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 3:22 pm
by Oscar
Looks good!

Re: Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 1:27 pm
by entity-unknown
Thank you Oscar! Out of all the people, your appreciation probably means the most since you're pretty cut n dry when it comes to your opinions which I've always appreciated and respected. No sugar with you, just the meat n taters ;)

Re: Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:25 pm
by Oscar
Don't pay attention to me, I'm just a hobbyist! I can only imagine the work it must have taken to get all that clean enough to TIG it! I would have MIG'd it.

Re: Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:02 pm
by Coldman
Meat and potatoes? Ha. Get im started on HTP and the sauce starts following thick.

Re: Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:29 pm
by Oscar
Coldman wrote:Meat and potatoes? Ha. Get im started on HTP and the sauce starts following thick.
lmao, good one! I like it. :lol:

Re: Thank you! - I welded my Bronco suspension

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 11:55 pm
by entity-unknown
I remember my AL sauce bein pretty thick n juicy for the first month. A lil too watered down for my flavor... Plenty of pepper and salt with a side of some aged mayonnaise-yellowish stuff. Steel was more like a well done steak over the coals.

I also learned eating a good meal before you get into a welding project is a good thing! Hungry yet?