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Weld Puddle looks nice but after that filler....

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:09 am
by iMeltiDontWeld
So I use a machine that was set up before I ever made it to this company and those settings have always done me well. I have a few aluminum molds to weld so I sat down yesterday and got started. I noticed that I was out of argon so we replaced it. I cleaned my metal (lazily using the torch and a tad of pedal as I normally do) and began the process of welding. I noticed that the area I'm used to seeing where the torch and argon kind of clean the area outside the weld area was significantly smaller now but I decided to push through. I felt like I wasn't getting through the oxidation layer but hey, i'm new and wanna see what happens. Horrible choice. Dont do it.

The question I have is why is the outer area of the weld significantly smaller than usual with 0 changes to the settings?
Why do I get a nice weld puddle but when I dip my filler rod it becomes a dingy grey and appears as though the arc is just stirring it around?

For the last question I did remove my ground clamp from the steel table and used my grinder to make sure I had a good connection.

I'm still new so be easy on me please.

Re: Weld Puddle looks nice but after that filler....

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 8:56 pm
by Toggatug
If nothing was changed start at the basics and troubleshoot.

Check the gas is still set at the same pressure, sometimes when the bottle is low guys will crank the reg to get that last little bit done.

Did a leak somewhere in the gas line form during the bottle swap for some reason or just by pure coincidence at the same time?

That's where I'd start at least if I felt the cleaning disappeared with no known changes to the machine.

Re: Weld Puddle looks nice but after that filler....

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:20 pm
by Jack Ryan
In addition, if you have a single stage regulator, when you swap from an empty cylinder to a full one, your regulated pressure and flow will be less. Depending on your setup, it may be quite a bit less.

You need to check that the flow with the full cylinder is sufficient for the job - in your case, the same as it was before.

What was the flow before and what is it now?
And, as a matter of interest, what type of flow meter/gauge are you using?


Re: Weld Puddle looks nice but after that filler....

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 10:05 pm
by tweake
as above, most likely a leak or restriction. a spray bottle with water and a couple drops of detergent is handy.
also check regulator is set to the right amount. outlet pressures change as the bottle goes down in pressure, so common for people to turn it down as the bottle gets closer to empty.

Re: Weld Puddle looks nice but after that filler....

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 10:05 am
by iMeltiDontWeld
Have a press to get going before I can get a chance to try it again. Appreciate all the replies I did in fact find a leak at the regulator (*facepalm* shouldve caught that one....). Harris Regulator showing about 25cfh and then another gauge showing whats left in the argon container.

Re: Weld Puddle looks nice but after that filler....

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 8:33 pm
by breavis
Most of the time when I start a new tank I have to adjust the pressure so check it before you weld again